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Single report

10/20/2020 | Intelligent Embedded Systems

Several conference papers accepted

Six articles (co-)authored by members of the group have been accepted for publication.

Topics include:

  • action recognition of vulnerable road users based on their pose (Pose Based Action Recognition of Vulnerable Road Users Using Recurrent Neural Networks @ SSCI 2020),
  • recognition of cyclist based on image sequences (Image Sequence Based Cyclist Action Recognition Using Multi-Stream 3D Convolution @ ICPR 2020),
  • Multi-Task Regression using Emerging Relation Networks and Task Embeddings (Emerging Relation Network and Task Embedding for Multi-Task Regression Problems @ ICPR 2020),
  • Separation of Aleatoric and Epistemic Uncertainty in Deterministic Deep Neural Networks (Separation of Aleatoric and Epistemic Uncertainty in Deterministic Deep Neural Networks @ ICPR 2020),
  • robust training with Iterative Label Improvement (Iterative Label Improvement: Robust Training by Confidence Based Filtering and Dataset Partitioning @ ICPR 2020) and
  • Probabilistic Active Learning with multiple annotators(Multi-annotator Probabilistic Active Learning @ ICPR 2020)