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05/04/2022 | Hesse Solar Cup

Test drive on practice track

Starting this year, there will be a "new" ultralight solar mobile competition track. For 2023 we plan to host the German championship of this discipline, Solarmobil Deutschland, in Kassel. So that the teams of the other venues can already practice for it, they have been sent practice tracks by us. The video, recorded by Lichtblitz Düsseldorf, now shows a vehicle that turns its rounds on the practice track with the energy of a fully charged electrolytic capacitor until the capacity is exhausted.

For schools that want to prepare for the HSC competition on 24.6., we still have small practice tracks available. They include one curved element and three straight elements. There is no charge for giving the elements to schools.

Please contact us at solarcup[at]uni-kassel[dot]de with the keyword "practice lane".