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New course on "Control of Microgrids"

This Wintersemester 2023/24, our new course (related to UN SDGs 7, 9, and 13) on control of power systems will be held for the first time at Uni Kassel.

The central question of the course is:

"how to control and operate electrical power grids with a high share of uncertain and decentralized renewable generation?"

We will answer this question on the example of islanded microgrids by navigating through different control layers: primary and secondary control as well as operation management. In this context, you will get a change to learn how to use central, distributed and decentral control approaches in order to enable a safe and reliable operation of grids with very high share of uncertain renewable generation. Moreover, you will get to implement and analyse aforementioned approaches in practically motivated examples using state-of-the-art (python) software-tools.

The course (6 credits) will take place offline at the Wilhelmshoeher Allee campus. More information and the chance to enrol into the course can be found on Moodle course page.