PVtec Charger

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BMWK joint project PVtec-Charger

"Reliable and cost-optimized charging stations and networked new charging solutions for grid-serving and economical charging of electric vehicles with electricity from renewable sources" - PVtec-Charger; Subproject: Mission profiles and thermal monitoring.

Project description

Charging solutions for electromobility and corresponding charging stations are currently still characterized by excessive costs and insufficient integrability into the dynamically changing energy system. The aim of the joint project is therefore interoperable and grid-supportive system integration and significant cost reduction while simultaneously improving reliability and ensuring all current and future relevant functionalities, future viability, safety (especially cyber security), efficiency and resource-saving long lifetimes.

This is to be achieved through a novel solution approach with a series of technological innovations from inverter and digitization technology as well as a holistic approach from power electronics at component level to optimal integration into the energy system and worldwide applicability for all system constellations.

The special technological innovation approach of the project is to apply the achievements of photovoltaics and their inverters (economies of scale, costs, quality, reliability, grid integration) to the charging infrastructure and at the same time to further develop them with regard to consistent sector coupling and digitalization. The project aims to create the basic system architectures and technology solutions for scalable applications and to implement and evaluate innovative charging solutions.

At the University of Kassel, the focus is on the investigation of mission profiles for future charging stations as well as thermal monitoring and charging strategies based on this.


Project duration: 01.09.2021 to 31.08.2024

Project partner

  • SMA Solar Technology AG, Niestetal
  • aixACCT Systems GmbH, Aachen
  • Bender GmbH & Co KG, Grünberg
  • Elexon GmbH, Aachen
  • RWTH Aachen University
  • Department of Vehicle Systems and Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ludwig Brabetz, University of Kassel

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Based on a resolution
of the German Bundestag