BMWi joint project VerfaS

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Process optimization to increase the energy efficiency of electric drives

The limited range of electric vehicles and the considerable manufacturing costs of batteries require efficient management of the energy stored in the vehicle.
As part of the joint project VerfaS, process optimization to increase the energy efficiency of electric drives, methods are being developed that contribute to increasing the efficiency of the electric drive train. The focus of the optimization is on both the electric machine and its inverter-supported control. In this context, a holistic approach is required that focuses in particular on the interaction of the components mentioned and their efficiency increase. To map the individual losses, highly sensitive measurement methods must be developed that reflect the cause of the loss and its exact effect. On the basis of these methods, losses can be identified and reduced, thereby increasing efficiency.

The project is being coordinated by Volkswagen AG, Kassel plant, and scientifically implemented by a total of three university departments.
The consortium consists of the following partners:
- Volkswagen AG, Kassel plant, industrial partners
- Department of Vehicle Systems and Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, University of Kassel
- Department of Electrical Machines and Drives, University of Kassel
- Department of Power Electronics and Electrical Drives, University of KasselDepartment of Power Electronics and Electrical Drive Technology, University of Paderborn

The knowledge gained will be incorporated into the design of future electrical machines.

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Federal Ministry
for Economics
and Technology

Based on a resolution
of the German Bundestag