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07/10/2019 | Gender/diversity in informatics systems

Claude Draude and Nana Kesewaa Dankwa to Teach at the Informatica Feminale Summer University

Informatica Feminale is an International Summer University for Women in Informatics / Computing and it will take place on August 12 – 30, 2019 in Bremen, Germany.

Claude Draude and Nana Kesewaa Dankwa from the GeDIS research group will teach a workshop on "Exploring the role of diversity in innovating technology".

About Informatica Feminale and Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni

The 22nd Informatica Feminale, the International Summer University for Women in Informatics and Computing, and also the 11th Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni, the International Summer University for Women in Engineering, are directed at women students of all disciplines, levels and different types of institutions of higher education as well as all women interested in computing, engineering and technology and women professionals from all over the world.

The program covers around 50 courses: introductory and basic content as well as advanced and specialized topics on an academic level. Various topics from computer science, electrical engineering, information technology, production, mechanical & process engineering and related interdisciplinary fields are offered. With a variety of classes such as materials, membrane technology, sustainability, 3D-printing, Internet of things, gender and diversity in technology development, immersive websites, modeling and data analytics, machine learning, bioinformatics, data privacy and security, microcontroller, robotics and technical infrastructures, data base systems, programming, operating systems, project and quality management, moderating and presentation skills. 

Focus 2019: “Women´s Network – Feminist Networking!”

The women´s network Informatica Feminale is a place to exchange about technical and social developments, which we meet in our every-day life and which are designed by ourselves as technical experts. The Focus 2019 wants to give space and time for critical reflections and highly welcomes experimental debates on the relations of technological knowledge and developments in societies. We will offer courses, which deal with applications of technical know-how in spaces for work and life from feminist perspectives.

Women lecturers from science and practice will hold classes in small groups. Participants can take part in and earn credit points for classes, workshops and seminars, lasting one or several days. Courses will be taught in English and German. There are specific courses for student beginners as well as for advanced students and for practitioners who wish to get further education on a current academic level.

In addition, field trips to research institutes of both fields, Informatics and Engineering, at Bremen University and to regional companies as well as networking events will be organized. Several companies and institutions will give talks on job opportunities during the three weeks.

Students and unemployed are charged a one-time fee of 40 Euro for a participation of two weeks and 60 Euro for three weeks. Courses of both the summer universities can be combined. Employed women pay a fee of 40 Euro a day. During the entire summer university, childcare is provided for free.

Registration is possible via the websites until July 20, 2019.

11. Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni: Courses about Electrical, Mechanical and Chemical Engineering

22. Informatica Feminale: Courses about Information Technology and Computer Science