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11/08/2024 | Computational Materials and Photonics

New Paper Published in PCCP

Our manuscript “Mechanistic Insights into CO2 Activation on Pristine, Vacancy-containing and Doped Goldene: A Single-Atom Layer of Gold” has just been published in RSC's journal Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics!

Our recent work, “Mechanistic Insights into CO2 Activation on Pristine, Vacancy-containing and Doped Goldene: A Single-Atom Layer of Gold,” just got published in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics! 

Congratulations, Kamal Kumar, Nora H. de Leeuw, and Abhishek Kumar Mishra! 

Goldene, a one-atom-thick gold sheet, is an emerging graphene-like flat 2-dimensional material. In this study, the geometrical and electronic properties, as well as CO2 adsorption characteristics, of the pristine, vacancy-containing, and X-doped (X = Al, B, S, P and N) goldene sheets have been investigated by employing first-principles calculations based on the density functional theory. Our findings provide an in-depth understanding of the electronic properties of pure, vacancy-containing, and doped goldene, which can aid their potential application in CO2 activation and conversion.

Read the full story here: 

K. Kumar, N. H. D. Leeuw, J. Adam, and A. K. Mishra. “Mechanistic Insights into CO2
Activation on Pristine, Vacancy-containing and Doped Goldene: A Single-Atom Layer of Gold”.
en. In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2024). Publisher: The Royal Society of Chemistry.


11/08/2024 | Computational Materials and Photonics

New Paper Published in PCCP

Our manuscript “Mechanistic Insights into CO2 Activation on Pristine, Vacancy-containing and Doped Goldene: A Single-Atom Layer of Gold” has just been published in RSC's journal Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics!

Our recent work, “Mechanistic Insights into CO2 Activation on Pristine, Vacancy-containing and Doped Goldene: A Single-Atom Layer of Gold,” just got published in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics! 

Congratulations, Kamal Kumar, Nora H. de Leeuw, and Abhishek Kumar Mishra! 

Goldene, a one-atom-thick gold sheet, is an emerging graphene-like flat 2-dimensional material. In this study, the geometrical and electronic properties, as well as CO2 adsorption characteristics, of the pristine, vacancy-containing, and X-doped (X = Al, B, S, P and N) goldene sheets have been investigated by employing first-principles calculations based on the density functional theory. Our findings provide an in-depth understanding of the electronic properties of pure, vacancy-containing, and doped goldene, which can aid their potential application in CO2 activation and conversion.

Read the full story here: 

K. Kumar, N. H. D. Leeuw, J. Adam, and A. K. Mishra. “Mechanistic Insights into CO2
Activation on Pristine, Vacancy-containing and Doped Goldene: A Single-Atom Layer of Gold”.
en. In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2024). Publisher: The Royal Society of Chemistry.


11/08/2024 | Computational Materials and Photonics

New Paper Published in PCCP

Our manuscript “Mechanistic Insights into CO2 Activation on Pristine, Vacancy-containing and Doped Goldene: A Single-Atom Layer of Gold” has just been published in RSC's journal Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics!

Our recent work, “Mechanistic Insights into CO2 Activation on Pristine, Vacancy-containing and Doped Goldene: A Single-Atom Layer of Gold,” just got published in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics! 

Congratulations, Kamal Kumar, Nora H. de Leeuw, and Abhishek Kumar Mishra! 

Goldene, a one-atom-thick gold sheet, is an emerging graphene-like flat 2-dimensional material. In this study, the geometrical and electronic properties, as well as CO2 adsorption characteristics, of the pristine, vacancy-containing, and X-doped (X = Al, B, S, P and N) goldene sheets have been investigated by employing first-principles calculations based on the density functional theory. Our findings provide an in-depth understanding of the electronic properties of pure, vacancy-containing, and doped goldene, which can aid their potential application in CO2 activation and conversion.

Read the full story here: 

K. Kumar, N. H. D. Leeuw, J. Adam, and A. K. Mishra. “Mechanistic Insights into CO2
Activation on Pristine, Vacancy-containing and Doped Goldene: A Single-Atom Layer of Gold”.
en. In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2024). Publisher: The Royal Society of Chemistry.