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12/01/2020 | Hesse Solar Cup

SolarCup 2021

The Hessen SolarCup team is working at full speed to ensure that a competition can take place again in 2021. If at all possible, it should be installed as usual on a Friday at the end of May, beginning of June on the Königsplatz.

However, if this is not possible due to Corona, we want to move to the campus of Faculty 16, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Wilhelmshöher Allee, with a slightly different concept. A bit smaller, with only a few spectators. In addition, we will have to move to a weekend.

In case we are not allowed to organize a solar cup for known reasons, we will work out a solution for that as well.

On Monday after the Easter vacations,19.4., about 6 weeks before the competition, we will announce here when, where and how the race will take place.

Healthy holidays and a good year 2021 wishes the HSC team