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11/28/2018 | Integrated energy systems | Publications

Long-term correction of short-term wind measurements

Comparative test of the University of Kassel successfully completed

As part of the LiMeS project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the Department of Integrated Energy Systems, supported by Fraunhofer IEE and Ramboll Cube GmbH, led a round robin test (comparison test) for long-term correction of short-term wind measurements. 29 wind consultants, planning and engineering offices, project developers, wind turbine manufacturers and other institutes and companies of the wind energy sector, mainly from Germany, participated. They received measurement data from Fraunhofer IEE and GWU Umwelttechnik with three-month periods of different seasons and used them to perform a long-term correction. In this way, measurement campaigns shortened to three months were simulated. The results were checked and analyzed on the basis of reference measurement data.

The evaluation of the Round Robin Test has now been completed. The results are presented in detail in the public final report.

Contact: M.Sc. Alexander Basse