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03/07/2022 | Intelligent Embedded Systems

Online Workshop - AIMEE on 15.03.2022 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

As a result of the enormous progress made in recent years, AI processes are already being used successfully across countless sectors of industry. In this online workshop, we will address how artificial intelligence can be used to analyze and evaluate large amounts of data from industrial processes using an electric traction test bench as a case study. Based on this use case, the potential of AI methods to optimize the testing and evaluation process of electric motors can be demonstrated. Among other things, strategies for the detection and avoidance of errors will be developed. However, the development and application of AI methods requires specific knowledge in the respective application area to process and provide data and information for the learning process of the algorithms. Overcoming this is the biggest challenge in many cases. In this workshop, we would like to share our knowledge and experience in solving these and many other challenges.

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