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03/28/2019 | Gender/Diversity in Informatiksystemen

Audio Recording of Femke Snelting's Talk at the CF+ Meeting Now Available!

Listen to the audio recording of Femke Snelting's talk about methodologies between computational practice and feminist theory.

Artist and designer Femke Snelting gave a talk on methodologies and strategies that help create spaces of exchange and collaboration between and across computational practice and feminist theory. Her talk was part of the CF+ project "Reconfiguring Computing through Cyberfeminism and New Materialism" on 14 March 2019. We invite you to listen to it on Soundcloud.

This material (audio recording and photos of the 3rd Lab Meeting with F. Snelting) can be used under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND license. Please attribute to Gender/Diversity in Informatics Systems, University of Kassel, and Femke Snelting.