Thesis topics / job offers

Bulletin board - theses/jobs


M.Sc. Tim Eckhardt
Wilhelmshöher Allee 71 / Room 3114
+49 561 804-6286

If you are interested to work on a Bachelor, Master, or Project Thesis in our research group, we continuously offer topics which are mostly related to optical measurement technology due to our research focus.

Available topics for thesis subjects

Design and Construction von opto-mechanical set-ups using Pro/Engineer.

Improvement and development of algorithms and programs to control measurement processes and analyse measurement data based on MATLAB, Python, C++, C, etc.

Conduction of measurement series and evaluation of measurement data.

Development and design of electronic circuits and devices using the software tools PSpice, TINA and EAGLE.

Development, realisation and optimisation of optical configurations. For computer aided optics design we use Zemax and WinLens. For practical realizations we often use optical micro- or nano-bench modules.