Intelligent technical systems

When are technical systems "intelligent"?

In many current applications, technical devices and systems require "intelligent" behavior. For example, an unmanned marsh expedition without robots that independently orient themselves in their field of application and collect and analyze test samples would not be possible. The same applies to autonomous underwater vehicles operating in the deep sea. Another prominent example is the US DARPA Grand Challenge, in which vehicles have to maneuver independently and without human control through an unknown and sometimes rough terrain. Technical systems are thus describes as "intelligent" if they are able to fullfill their task largely autonomously under previously unknown conditions of use and can independently adapt to unforeseen changes.

Content of the lecture

The lecture deals mainly with essential fundamentals in different areas such as sensor systems, system properties as well as basic signal processing methods (eg digital filters, fast Fourier transformation). It includes feature selection techniques (filters and wrappers, principal component analysis) and machine learning basics (over- and under-fitting, bias/variance problem, techniques for evaluation such as bootstrapping and cross-validation, evaluation measures), and simple clustering and classification techniques (c-means, hierarchical methods, Naiver Bayes classifier, Nearest Neighbor classifier).

Content of the exercise

In the exercise, the sensor recording and Evaluation is demonstarted on the practical example of the Smartphone Samsung Galaxy S2

Following a general introduction to programming the Android operating system, it will provide access to the device's sensing technology and the implementation of signal processing techniques and simple machine learning techniques. In a real application, the presented methods are used in practice.


  • Contact persons for the lecture are Prof. Dr. med. Bernhard Sick and M.Sc. Martin Jänicke.
  • Formal, general information about the lecture (eg assignment to areas of application, credits, examination type) can be found in the module hanbook. Degree Program -> Examination Regulations -> Module
  • Up-to-date information about the current lecture (eg slides, bibliographical references, examination dates) will be provided in the Moodle of the University of Kassel.
  • Link to the course catalog.