Introduction to C

What is "C"?

From the German-language Wikipedia about the programming language C:

"C is an imperative programming language developed by computer scientist Dennis Ritchie in the early 1970s at Bell Laboratories for system. Since the it has been widely used on many computer systems. The applications of C are very different. C is used for system and application programming. The basic programs of all Unix systems and the kernels of many operating systems are programmed in C." As can be seen from this short text, the C programming language, despite its age, has a very high penetration rate. Moreover, the fact that C can be considered as the "programming language of choice", especially for hardware-oriented programming (system programming), emphasizes the need for C already in the Basic study of most technical courses.

Content of the lecture

The lecture introduces the imperative language constructs (sequence, branching, repetition) and their application in the C programming language. Based on this, various operators, which also allow, for example, bit operations, are presented. In the course of the lecture, the "pointer concept" will be presented, which allows extremely efficient and low-level programming. At the end of the lecture an overview of the functions and methods available in the C standard library will be given.

Content of the exercise

In the exercise, the consepts and ideas in the lecture are implemented in programs to be implemented by the students themselves on the computer. The exercise pamphlets, which are issued weekly with a variety of programming tasks, are followed by extensive sample solutions at different times. The exercise takes place in the CIP pool (computer room) - there the development environment (IDE) Code :: Blocks is used, which can also be installed on the private computers of the students for free. Thus, preparation and follow-up of the exercise is easily possible. The final exam is conducted electronically - in the sense of a competence-oriented exam, Code :: Blocks is also used there.

In addition, the department of Intelligent Embedded Systems offers an individual deepening of the lecture topics. During these specicalization lessons students will also be assisted by student tutors. Dates for in-depth training are arranged individually in order to be able to answer concrete questions of the students efficiently.


  • Contact persons for the lecture are Prof.Dr. med. Bernhard Sick and M.Sc. Benjamin Herwig.
  • Formal, general information about the lecture (eg assignment to areas of application, credits, examination type) can be found in the module handbook. Degree Program -> Examination Regulations -> Module
  • Up-to-date information about the current lecture (eg slides, bibliographical references, examination dates) will be provided in the Moodle of the University of Kassel.
  • "Introduction to C" is a must for students of computer science and mechatronics. Students from other degree programs (such a mathematics students) can use the event as "SRW" - information can be obtained, for example, from the study service of the respective department.
  • Link to the course catalog