M. Sc. Mohammad Wazed Ali
AI for Computationally Intelligent Systems (AI4CIS)
2024[ to top ]
- Location based Probabilistic Load Forecasting of EV Charging Sites: Deep Transfer Learning with Multi-Quantile Temporal Convolutional Network. . In arXiv e-prints, bl arXiv:2409.11862. 2024.
2022[ to top ]
- Heterogeneous Multi-Source Deep Adaptive Knowledge-Aware Learning for E-Mobility. . In IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems Companion (ACSOS-C), bll 57–60. IEEE, 2022.
- Deep Adaptive Knowledge-Aware Learning for E-Mobility. . In Organic Computing - Doctoral Dissertation Colloquium 2022, S. Tomforde, C. Krupitzer (reds.), bll 139–155. kassel university press, 2022.