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09/12/2024 | Intelligent Embedded Systems

New review article regarding Casimir effects

Basma Elsaka, Xiaohui Yang, Philipp Kästner, Kristina Dingel, Bernhard Sick, Peter Lehmann, Stefan Yoshi Buhmann and Hartmut Hillmer have written a survey article on the Casimir effect. The paper Casimir Effect in MEMS: Materials, Geometries, and Metrologies-A Review was published in the MDPI Journal Materials. The content:

Casimir force densities, i.e., force per area, become very large if two solid material surfaces come closer together to each other than 10 nm. In most cases, the forces are attractive. In some cases, they can be repulsive depending on the solid materials and the fluid medium in between. This review provides an overview of experimental and theoretical studies that have been performed and focuses on four main aspects: (i) the combinations of different materials, (ii) the considered geometries, (iii) the applied experimental measurement methodologies and (iv) a novel self-assembly methodology based on Casimir forces. Briefly reviewed is also the influence of additional parameters such as temperature, conductivity, and surface roughness. The Casimir effect opens many application possibilities in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS), where an overview is also provided. The knowledge generation in this fascinating field requires interdisciplinary approaches to generate synergetic effects between technological fabrication metrology, theoretical simulations, the establishment of adequate models, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Finally, multiple applications are addressed as a research roadmap.