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  • 02/17/2021 | Hesse Solar CupPlace for 2021

    This year, the SolarCup will be held in the parking lot on the south side of the FB16 Electrical Engineering and…
  • 01/27/2021 | Hesse Solar CupDate for 2021

    The registration forms are unlocked. The date of the competition is set for Saturday, 19.06.2021. We will try to…
  • 12/01/2020 | Hesse Solar CupSolarCup 2021

    The Hessen SolarCup team is working at full speed to ensure that a competition can take place again in 2021. If at all…
  • 08/17/2020 | Hesse Solar CupAll beginnings are easy

    You want to participate in the SolarCup with your team?
  • 03/16/2020 | Hesse Solar CupCancellation of the HSC 2020

    Dear fans of the Hessen Solar Cup, we are also affected by the Corona Virus! Unfortunately we have to cancel the…