Joshua Mosby

Joshua Mosby was a visiting fellow from the Parlamentarisches Patenschafts Program - studying at the University of Kassel and worked as an intern with the GeDIS research Lab. He graduated from the Computer Science department at Boston University. Following his graduation, he worked in industry with Open Source cloud technologies at Microsoft. There he noticed a need for a deeper understanding of the impacts that technology has on society and humanity, which encouraged him to look for interdisciplinary opportunities in computing and sociology, ultimately leading him to the GeDIS Lab.

Joshua is interested in critiquing the application of contemporary topics of computer science such as Machine Learning and Biometric Data through an STS lens, focusing on their potential impacts on marginalized populations. He assisted the GeDIS lab with AG SoMa - Analysis and Design of Social Machines, working on a case study of iBorderCtrl, as well as documenting his transition from computer science to social science.