M. Sc. Jan Schneegans
AI for Motion (AIM)

- Telefon
- +49 561 804-6220
- jschneegans[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
2024[ to top ]
- Detecting Intentions of Vulnerable Road Users Based on Collective Intelligence as a Basis for Automated Driving. . In Cooperatively Interacting Vehicles: Methods and Effects of Automated Cooperation in Traffic, C. Stiller, M. Althoff, C. Burger, B. Deml, L. Eckstein, F. Flemisch (reds.), bll 35–87. Springer, 2024.
2022[ to top ]
- A Practical Evaluation of Active Learning Approaches for Object Detection. . In Workshop on Interactive Adaptive Learning (IAL), ECML PKDD, bll 49–67. 2022.
2021[ to top ]
- Probabilistic VRU Trajectory Forecasting for Model-Predictive Planning -- A Case Study: Overtaking Cyclists. . In Workshop From Benchmarking Behavior Prediction to Socially Compatible Behavior Generation in Autonomous Driving, IV. 2021.
- Intelligent and Interactive Video Annotation for Instance Segmentation using Siamese Neural Networks. . In Workshop on Integrated Artificial Intelligence in Data Science, ICPR, bll 375–389. IEEE, Milan, Italy, 2021.
2019[ to top ]
- Smart Device Based Initial Movement Detection of Cyclists Using Convolutional Neural Networks. . In Organic Computing -- Doctoral Dissertation Colloquium 2018, S. Tomforde, B. Sick (reds.), bll 45–60. kassel university press, Kassel, Germany, 2019.
2018[ to top ]
- Starting Movement Detection of Cyclists Using Smart Devices. . In IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA). IEEE, Turin, Italy, 2018.