08.08.2024 | Distributed Systems

ACM SIGCOMM 2024 Paper and Demo

At ACM SIGCOMM 2024, our community's flagship conference, the distributed systems group presented one full conference paper on Ingress Point Detection and one demo paper on interruption-free migration of industrial PLCs.

Stefan Mehner (University of Kassel) presenting our SIGCOMM'24 paper on Ingress Point Detection at ISPs.

At ACM SIGCOMM 2024Sydney, our community's flagship conference held in Sydney this year, the distributed systems group presented one full conference paper on Ingress Point Detection and one demo paper on interruption-free migration of industrial PLCs.


SIGCOMM'24 paper on Ingress Point Detection at ISPs

On Wednesday, August 7, at SIGCOMM in Sydney, co-author Stefan Mehner from the University of Kassel will present the paper "IPD: Detecting Traffic Ingress Points at ISPs". Co-authored by Helge Reefs, BENOCS co-founder and CTO Ingmar Poese, and Oliver Hohlfeld (University of Kassel), the paper proposes an efficient approach that accurately identifies traffic ingress points in ISPs of any size using flow-level traffic traces. It thereby offers an efficient and scalable solution to a complex problem in network management.

For further information, please check the paper PDF or the presentation on YouTube.


SIGCOMM'24 demo paper on interruption free migration of industrial PLCs

In addition to the full paper, our researcher Nikolaos Mitsakis presented a demo paper on the interruption-free migration of virtual Programmable Logic Controllers (vPLCs) in industrial networks. Titled "P4PLC: How Dynamic In-Network Control Enables an Interruption-free Migration of vPLCs," the paper demonstrates how dynamic in-network control can seamlessly migrate industrial control systems without disrupting operations, a critical advancement for industrial automation.

For further information, please check the demo paper PDF.

Nikolaos' work has also earned him a place in the second round of the SIGCOMM Student Research Competition (SRC), a forum for undergraduate and graduate students to present their original research before a panel of judges and attendees. Student authors of demo or poster papers are invited into the second round after being evaluated by judges. Each evaluator will rate the student’s visual presentation based on the criteria of uniqueness of the approach, the significance of the contribution, visual presentation, and format of presentation.