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Report introductory seminar 2024
When welcoming the new InterESD students, Prof. Dr. Andreas Eis began by addressing areas of tension between internationalization and sustainability, which are based on global inequality, for example. The idea of InterESD is to focus on global issues, contradictions and challenges in the context of sustainability topics, with students setting their own priorities in order to sharpen their individual profile.
In an initial round of introductions, the participants introduced themselves to each other and presented an object that they were to link to the topics of the profile. These included honey from the university's AVZ site (regional), stickers on gender equality, to-go cups (waste avoidance), a ying and yang bean from Kassel (nutrition), a carved branch from Spain (scouts with nature), a beeswax cloth and the student ID card (local transport).
Dr. Sarah Wedde then described the course of the InterESD study profile, which is open to all student teachers and can be fully integrated into their own studies. The student representatives Anna and Jörg described their experiences of the study profile from a participant perspective. Furthermore, the new InterESD students reported on their initial ideas for creating profiles on topics such as nutrition, education, internationalization and language and sustainability.
At the end of the introductory event, the mentors of the study profile introduced themselves, who will each accompany a student in tandems on their way through the profile in an advisory capacity.
If you decide to take part in the InterESD study profile, you can look forward to an exciting and varied time. You will have the opportunity to deal with global issues and challenges, shape your own individual profile in the field of sustainability and internationalization and exchange ideas with interested people. It's well worth taking part!