Dr. Steffen Wittig
Research Associate, Section: General Education
- Location
- Nora-Platiel-Straße 1
34127 Kassel
- Room
- Nora-Platiel 1, Raum 1217
- Telephone
- +49 561 804-2711
- steffen.wittig[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
Office Hours
Fridays from 09:00 - 10:00 by zoom
Since April 2017
Research assistant (post-doc) at the University of Kassel, Faculty 01 Human Sciences, Institute of Educational Sciences, Department of General Educational Science (Prof. Dr. Ralf Mayer).
Lecturer at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland), at the Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main and at the FernUni Hagen
Placements in appointment procedures:
3rd place on the list in the application for the professorship for General Educational Science at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
3rd place on the list in the application for the W1 professorship in Educational Science with a focus on "Theories of Education".
November 2014 - March 2017
research assistant in teaching at the MLU Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Education (Prof. Dr. Alfred Schäfer)
October 2011 - September 2014
research assistant in the DFG project "Neuroenhancement as a pedagogical challenge" headed by Prof. Dr. Alfred Schäfer
October 2010 - September 2011
Contract for work in the DFG project "Encounters with the Foreign. Tourism and Cultural Strangeness" under the direction of Prof. Dr. Alfred Schäfers
Academic career
March 2012 - November 2016
Dissertation entitled: "The Ludification of the Social. Difference-theoretical Fragments of the As-Ob" (grade: 1.0; predicate summa cum laude).
October 2005 - May 2011
Studies of Educational Science (minors: Sociology and Psychology) at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg; title of the diploma thesis: "Demokratie und Erziehung. Critical Remarks on John Dewey"; Degree: Diploma (Grade: 1,1)
April 2007 - March 2011
Research assistant at the Phil.Fak III - Institute of Education, Department of Systematic Educational Science (Prof. Dr. Alfred Schäfer)
September 2009 - March 2011
Research assistant at the Phil.Fak III - Institute for Pedagogy in the project "Peer groups and school selection" under the direction of Prof. Dr. Heinz-Hermann Krügers
- Systematic Problematization of Theories, Concepts and Perspectives of Education and Educational Science
- the Philosophical Relation of Education to Questions and Problems in the Relationship between Pedagogy and Politics (especially Democracy, Participation, Exclusion and Equality)
- Theoretical as well as Empirical Qualitative Research on "Educational Regimes" (current Project: "Views - On the Transformation of Study and University (in the SARS-CoV-2-Pandemic)" in Practices of Subjectivation; funded by the Fritz-Thyssen-Foundation)
- Game Theory (Huizinga, Caillois, Fink...).
- Discourse Analysis as an Empirical Approach to Pedagogical Realities
Wittig, Steffen (2018): The Ludification of the Social. Difference-theoretical fragments of the as-ob. Schöningh. Paderborn
Golle, Julia/Mayer, Ralf/Parade, Ralf/Wittig, Steffen (2023): School and pathologization. Weinheim and Basel: BeltzJuventa (forthcoming).
Golle, Julia/Mayer, Ralf/Wittig, Steffen (2022): Ernesto Laclau - pedagogical readings. Springer: Wiesbaden (in preparation)
Mayer, Ralf/Schäfer, Alfred/Wittig, Steffen (2019): Jacques Rancière - Pedagogical readings. Wiesbaden
Anthology contributions
Wittig, Steffen (2014): Culture - Play - Subject. On the constitution of culture in and as play. In: Schäfer, Alfred / Thompson, Christiane (eds.): Play. Schöningh. Paderborn , pp. 157-183
Wittig, Steffen (2017): Performance as a game? On being knowingly entangled in the possibility space of performance. In: Mayer, Ralf / Bünger, Carsten: Performance - Claim and Failure. Halle/Saale ,pp. 147-166.
Wittig, Steffen (2017): What do masks have to do with pedagogy? On the 'in-between' of self and other. In: Thompson, Christiane / Schenk, Sabrina: Zwischenwelten der Pädagogik. Schöningh. Paderborn, 327-344
Wittig, Steffen (2017): Review of: Jens Kastner / Ruth Sonderegger. Pierre Bourdieu and Jacques Rancière. In: Erziehungswissenschaftliche Revue 16 , no. 5 (September/October).
Mayer, Ralf/Schäfer, Alfred/Wittig, Steffen (2019): Jacques Rancière - Towards the beginning. In: This: Jacques Rancière - Pedagogical Readings. Springer. Wiesbaden, pp. 1-44.
Wittig, Steffen (2019): Intermediate Things. Concerning the articulation of the Imaginary as real through the gaze or: a reading of Huizinga with Lacan. In: Gilles Brougère; Mark Alle. 8th International Toy Research Association World Conference, Paris.
Parade, Ralf/Thole, Friederike/Wittig, Steffen (2019): Democracy and Identity. Anti-genderism as an example of an attack on modern democracy. In: Discourse. Journal for theoretically innovative analyses of political praxi. Vol. 5 https://ojs.ub.uni-due.de/diskurs/article/view/394/106
Wittig, Steffen (2020): Unfinishable "In Betwixt and Between"? Turner with Lacan. In Blumenthal, Sara-Friederike/Sting,Stephan/Zirfas, Jörg (eds.) Pedagogical Anthropology of Adolescents. Belz Juvena: Weinheim and Basel, pp. 72-90.
Mayer, Ralf/Wittig, Steffen (2020): Equality and articulation. In: Rieger-Ladich,Markus/Casale, Rita/Thompson, Christiane: Un-/Zugehörigkeit. Reflections on educational philosophy and studies in power theory. BeltzJuventa: Weinheim/Basel. S. 123-141
Wittig, Steffen (2020): 'Le patriarcat nique son père'? Ketten der Gleichwertigkeit, Hegemonie und #metoo. Windungen der Schlange 7 (2020), S. 146-168 https://coilsoftheserpent.org/category/issue-7-2020/
Mayer, Ralf/Wittig, Steffen (2020): Gaze and fear. Fuchs, Thorsten/Meseth, Wolfgang/Thompson, Christiane/Zirfas, Jörg (eds.): Erziehungswirklichkeiten in Zeiten von Angst und Verunsicherung. Weinheim/Basel: Beltz Juventa (in publication).
Wittig, Steffen (2020): 'Le patriarcat nique son père'? Chains of equivalence, hegemony and #metoo (in preparation for 'coils oft he serpent') (forthcoming).
Mayer, Ralf/Wittig, Steffen (2021): Gaze and fear. In: Fuchs, Thorsten/Meseth, Wolfgang/Thompson, Christiane/Zirfas, Jörg (eds.): Erziehungswirklichkeiten in Zeiten von Angst und Verunsicherung. Weinheim/Basel: BeltzJuventa, pp. 28-46.
Heßdörfer, Florian/Wittig, Steffen (2021): Performance, ritual, and optimization. Vierteljahresschrift für wissenschaftliche Pädagogik. Thematic focus issue: optimization. Issue 2/21, pp. 127-143.
Wittig, Steffen (2021): Possibility/impossibility or: On (tearing down) walls. Attempt on the experimental handling of the paradoxical situation of pedagogy In: Binder, Ulrich/Krönig, Franz-Kaspar. Paradoxes (in) in Pedagogy. Weinheim and Basel: Beltz, pp. 82-99.
Golle, Julia/Mayer, Ralf/Wittig, Steffen (2022): Relationship Work - A Discourse Analysis on the Question of the Constitution of Pedagogical Spaces. In: Thole, Werner (Ed.): Professional ethics after 2010. sexuality and power in school and social work. Wiesbaden: Springer, pp. 131-151.
Wittig, Steffen (2022): In defense of equality. In: Bittner, Martin/Wischmann, Anke (eds.): Post-criticism. Bielefeld: Transcript, pp. 71-88. www.transcript-verlag.de/media/pdf/d1/a2/38/oa9783839459799.pdf
Golle, Julia/Wittig, Steffen (2022): Articulation and the public sphere. In: Casale, Rita/Rieger-Ladich, Markus/Thompson, Christiane: Öffentlichkeit(en). Weinheim/Basel: BeltzJuventa, pp. 16-38.
Wittig, Steffen (2022): Assembly & public sphere. On Education. Journal for Research and Debate, 5(14). dx.doi.org/10.17899/on_ed.2022.14.3
Wittig, Steffen/Weiss, Gabriele (2022): Between the (teaching) chairs. In: Jergus, Kerstin/Bünger, Carsten/Fuchs, Thorsten/Althans, Birgit (Eds.). Mitteilungsheft Erziehungswissenschaft: Profilierungen des Allgemeinen. Issue 65, 1 (2023), pp. 61-71. dx.doi.org/10.3224/ezw.v33i2.07
Geldner, Jens/Wittig, Steffen (2023): Inclusion and Democracy. On the Significance of the Democratic Horizon for Questions of Participation in Educational Science. In: Sturm, Tanja/Balzer, Nicole/Budde, Jürgen/Hackbarth, Anja: Erziehungswissenschaftliche Grundbegriffe im Spiegel der Inklusionsforschung. Leverkusen: Verlag Barbara Budrich, pp. 97-117.
Eis, Andreas/Mayer, Ralf/Stederoth, Dirk/Wittig, Steffen (2023): Educational regimes and the transformation crisis. In: Bünger, Carsten et al: Jahrbuch für Pädagogik 2022. 30 Jahre und kein Ende der Geschichte. Weinheim/Basel: BeltzJuventa, pp. 16-30.
Geldner, Jens/Wittig, Steffen (2023): The university as a democratic, pedagogical & inclusive space? Irritations about the role of university teaching. In: Hoffmann, Mirjam/Hoffmann, Thomas (eds.): Raum. Power. Inclusion. Exploring and developing inclusive spaces. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt, pp. 175-182.
Wittig, Steffen: In defense of equality. In: Bittner, Martin/Wischmann, Anke (eds.): Post-Criticism. Bielefeld: Transcript
Wittig, Steffen: Gegeben/Aufgegeben: On the double relation of knowledge. In: Thompson, Christiane/Wrana, Daniel (eds.): Knowledge.
Geldner, Jens/Wittig, Steffen: Zur Entgründung erziehungswissenschaftliche Grundbegriffe im Spiegel der Inklusion(sforschung). Reflections on the 4th Workshop of the DGfE Inclusion Research Group.
Wittig, Steffen: School and (In)equality. Concerning 'laws of madness' and attempts of 'undefining things'.
Hadasch, Heiko / Wittig, Steffen: "Pharmaceutical Neuro-Enhancement as an Educational Challenge". Held in the context of the Discourse Network Symposium 2013 at the FU Berlin on 06.04.2013.
Mahnert, Judith / Mayer, Ralf / Wittig, Steffen: Politics - Aesthetics - Pedagogy. Zur Einleitung in das Denken Jacques Rancières (Introductory lecture to the Jacques Rancière Workshop "Politics - Aesthetics - Pedagogy" on 14/15.11.2014).
Wittig, Steffen: Performance as Game? Über das wissentliche Verstricktheit-Sein in den Möglichkeitsraum der Leistung (Lecture in the context of the "III Wittenberger Gespräche" on 09.05.2015).
Wittig, Steffen: On Fear and the Strange. Radio interview with Martje Lutterbeck (Radio Corax - Halle) on 07 June 2016.
Wittig, Steffen: Janus and Cardea. On the real unreality of the concept of inclusion. (Lecture at the Institute for Educational Sciences of the Georg-August-University Göttingen on 01.09.2016).
Mayer, Ralf / Wittig, Steffen: Gleichheit und Artikulation (presentation at the annual meeting of the Commission for Philosophy of Education in Berlin on 26.09.2017).
Wittig, Steffen: Unfinishable "In Betwixt and Between"? Turner with Lacan (presentation at the annual meeting of the Commission for Pedagogical Anthropology in Klagenfurt on 29.09.2017).
Wittig, Steffen: Ludic space of violence. The Political as "game of hegemony" (presentation at the conference 'Violence, Space, and the Political', at the National University of Ireland Galway 6/7/2018).
Wittig, Steffen: Intermediate things. About the representation of the real beyond the imaginary (presentation at the ITRA world conference, at Paris 13 University - Sorbonne Paris Cité University, Paris 7/13/2018).
Mayer, Ralf/Wittig, Steffen: Gaze, articulation and anxiety. (Paper presented at the DGfE section conference 'General Educational Science' on 19/03/2019 in Cologne).
Wittig, Steffen/ Parade, Ralf: Democracy and Identity. Antigenderism as a closing attempt of modern democracy at the University of Kassel in the context of the "Sozialpädagogisches Abendgespräch - Soziale Arbeit in der Moderne" on 21.05.2019.
Wittig, Steffen: Panel discussion with Anna-Sophie Kruscha (BUW), Peter Euler (TU Darmstadt), Ruth Zielezinski (BUS) at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal (BUW) on the topic: "UniversitätsDEMOKRATIE. From the enabling and disenabling conditions of self-determination - using the example of educational science" in the context of "Long Evening of Educational Science" on 04.07.2019.
Golle, Julia/Wittig, Steffen:Artikulation und Öffentlichkeit (lecture in the context of the annual conference of the Commission for Philosophy of Education at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal on 25.09.2019)
Golle, Julia/Mayer, Ralf/Wittig, Steffen: Relationship work - A discourse analysis. Presentation at the workshop "Professionsethik nach 2010 Sexualität und Macht in Schule und Sozialer Arbeit" at the University of Kassel on 10/25/2019.
Mayer, Ralf/Wittig, Steffen: Introductory lectureto the workshop "Ernesto Laclau - Grenzgänge des Pädagogischen" on 23.01.2020 at the University of Kassel
Wittig, Steffen: Bildung als Dispositiv. Lecture in the context of the research group "Educational Regimes" on 11.11.20 at the University of Kassel.
Wittig, Steffen: In defense of equality. Lecture in the context of the conference "Critique and Post-Critique in Pedagogy. Workshop on the occasion of the German language translation of the Manifesto for a Post-Critical Pedagogy. Organized by Martin Bittner and Anke Wischmann, held on 12.11.20 at the European University Flensburg.
Wittig, Steffen: "Gegeben/Aufgegeben: On the Double Relation of Knowledge in the Shadow of Education" at the IX Wittenberg Talks at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg "On the Problematization and Politics of Pedagogical Knowledge" on 06.05.2021 (unfortunately had to be cancelled due to illness).
Geldner, Jens/Wittig, Steffen: Inklusion und Demokratie. On the importance of the democratic horizon for questions of participation in educational science.
Wittig, Steffen: School and (In)equality. Concerning 'laws of madness' and attempts of 'undefining things' at the conference 'Re/Framing educational equity' at University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (Scotland) 09/01/21
Wittig, Steffen: Of (Tearing Down) Walls and Experimenting. Or: About the 'basic crack' of pedagogy. Appointment lecture for the W1 professorship 'General Educational Science' at the University of Trier, 01.07.2021.
Wittig, Steffen: School and (In)equality. Concerning 'laws of madness' and attempts of 'undefining things' at the conference 'Re/Framing educational equity' at University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (Scotland) 09/01/21
Golle, Julia/Mayer, Ralf/Wittig, Steffen: Performance and diagnostics. Presentation at the conference "School and Pathologization" at the University of Kassel, 11/11/2021.
Geldner, Jens/Wittig, Steffen: University as democratic, pedagogical & inclusive space? Reflections on an experimental approach to the space of the university. 35th Annual Conference of Inclusion Researchers* at the University of Innsbruck "Macht.Raum.Inklusion. Symposium P1.1: (Disabling) Spaces and Imaginations" on 23.02.22.
Wittig, Steffen: The Sphere of Power of the (Digital) Game, 'World of Warcraft' and the View of the Third at the DGfE Congress ('Entgrenzungen') at the University of Bremen on 03/16/2022.
Workshop on Jacques Rancière, "Politics - Aesthetics - Pedagogy", at MLU Halle-Wittenberg, November 14 and 15, 2014. organization with Prof. Dr. Ralf Mayer and Dipl-Päd. Judith Mahnert.
Workshop "Who is the Subject of Human Rights?" at MLU Halle-Wittenberg, November 20, 2015. organization with Prof. Dr. Ralf Mayer and Teresa Behrends M.A.
Workshop of the Netzwerk Pädagogische Anthropologie: Zugänge pädagogischer Anthropologie: Am Beispiel des Körpers, September 23-24, 2018, Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg.
Workshop of the Network Pedagogical Anthropology: Human as Facticity?, September 22-23, 2019, University of Cologne, Germany
Workshop " Ernesto Laclau - Grenzgänge des Pädagogischen," Jan. 23-25, 2020, organization with Prof. Dr. Ralf Mayer and Julia Golle, University of Kassel
Workshop "Representation, Solidarity, Belonging", 30.09/01.10.2020 at the University of Kassel.
International conference "Performance and Pathologization", 11-13.11.2021 at the University of Kassel.
Symposium of the Institute: Interdisciplinary Laboratory around the Problem of Participation, 03/24-22 at the University of Kassel.
- Member of the DGfE (Section for General Educational Science, Commission for Philosophy of Education and Commission for Pedagogical Anthropology)
- Senior member of the editorial board of the Erziehungswissenschaftliche Revue (EWR) m Department of General Educational Science
- Part the Scientific Committee of GLOCER Conference (Global Conference on Education and Research)
- Member of International Toy Research Association (ITRA)
- Numerous expert Activities