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1. independent publications:

  • Arnold Böcklin and Antiquity. Myth - History - Present. Munich 1991

  • Louis Kolitz 1845-1914. Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Kassel, Kassel 1990; since July 2009 also online, supplemented by color reproductions of all paintings: Bestandskatalog der Gemälde des 19. Jahrhunderts, Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel,

  • Paul Baum 1859-1932. State Art Collections Kassel, Kassel 1990

  • (ed.) Science, Art, Adventure. The Munchausen Author Rudolf Erich Raspe (1736-1794). Kassel 2005

    Reviews (selection): Alexander Kosenina, in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 07.01.2006; Ulrike Leuschner, in: Lichtenberg-Jahrbuch 2006, pp. 235-237.
  • The Museum of Enlightenment and its Audience. Kunsthaus and Museum Fridericianum in Kassel in the context of the historical visitor book (1769-1796). Kassel 2014 (Kasseler Beiträge zur Geschichte und Landeskunde, vol. 3).

    Reviews (selection): Till Kinzel, in Informationsmittel (IFB), digital review organ for library and science,; Philippa Sissis, in: Zeitschrift des Vereins für hessische Geschichte und Landeskunde, vol. 120 (2015), pp. 302-304.

  • The Museum Fridericianum as a Destination of Educational and Research Journeys of the European Enlightenment. Kommentierte digitalisierte Edition des Besucherbuch 1769-1796," database, online:

2. essays:

  • Böcklin's Sea Scenes. "Classical" Iconography and "German Mythology". In: Ausst.Kat. "In uns selbst liegt Italien". The Art of the German-Romans. Haus der Kunst Munich 1987/88, pp. 60-69.

  • "Soul of Painting"- On Drawings by J.H. Tischbein the Elder. In: Ausst.Kat. Johann Heinrich Tischbein the Elder, Kassel 1989, pp. 135-145, 175-190

  • Kassel in Pictures by Louis Kolitz - Impressions between Fulda and Hercules. In: Gustav Mahler. Years of Decision in Kassel 1883-1885, Kassel 1990, pp. 104-111

  • Pegasus in the Art of the 19th Century. From Karl Friedrich Schinkel to Odilon Redon. In: Ausst.Kat. Pegasus and the Arts. Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, Hamburg 1993, p. 111-123

  • Wooden Coffins from the Baroque to the Biedermeier Period. In: Ausst.Kat. From the Tree of the Dead to the Designer Coffin. On the cultural history of the coffin from antiquity to the present. Museum für Sepulkralkultur Kassel 1993, pp. 43-64,  pp. 133-148.

  • A "love pledge" for mourning and remembrance: human hair in memorial pictures of the 19th century. In: Ausst.Kat. Faith at Home. Zur Erinnerung, Museum für Sepulkralkultur Kassel 1994, pp. 79-84, pp. 228-248.

  • Jewelry and Vanitas in the Baroque. In: Ausst.Kat. " schwarzem Schmucke oder mit Perlen." Funeral Jewelry from the Baroque to the Art Deco. Museum für Sepulkralkultur Kassel 1995, pp. 13-20.

  • "Remember Me. English memento mori and memorial rings as testamentary dispositions. In: ibid, pp. 21-27.

  • Antiquity and the Present. On Böcklin's mythological imagery. In: Ausst.Kat. Arnold Böcklin, Giorgio de Chirico, Max Ernst. A Journey into the Uncertain. Kunsthaus Zürich, Haus der Kunst Munich, Nationalgalerie Berlin 1998, pp. 195-203.

  • "The Lawn is Table and Chair at the Same Time" - Courtly Garden Parties of the Age of Enlightenment. In: Ausst.Kat. Garden Festivals. The feast in the garden, garden motifs in the feast. Museum Huelsmann Bielefeld 2000, pp. 102-117.

  • "On Narrative Painting. Notes on Jacob Burckhardt and Arnold Böcklin. In: Festschrift Franz Zelger, Zurich 2001, pp. 339-349.

  • The Raspe Case. In: Science, Art, Adventure. The Munchausen Author Rudolf Erich Raspe (1736-1794), Kassel 2005, pp. 11-27.

  • The Gothic in the Museum of Enlightenment. Raspe's departure for a modern science of art and culture. In: ibid, pp. 82-97.

  • "Das befreyte Deutschland". Tischbein's The Triumph ofHermann after his Victory over Varus for Prince Frederick of Waldeck and Pyrmont. In: Ausst.Kat. Bad Arolsen 2009: Antike(s) Leben. Simulation of an Ideal in the Court Library and Art Collections of the Princes of Waldeck and Pyrmont, pp. 285-296.

  • "...I think that is Homeric." The illustrations in the Homer, Vergil, and Ovid editions of the Fürstlich-Waldecksche Hofbibliothek in Arolsen. In: ibid, pp.165-180.

  • "Mr Chaplin de Londres a vu avec le plus grand plaisir". The Visitors' Book of the Kunsthaus and Museum Fridericianum in Kassel, 1769-1796. An Edition Project of the DFG. In: Journal of the Association for Hessian History and Regional Studies, vol. 114 (2009), pp. 161-176.

  • "Wild Humor. On the antique comedy of Arnold Böcklin - and a wild aftermath in the 20th century. In: in omni historia curiosus. Studies in History from Antiquity to Modern Times. Fs. for Helmuth Schneider on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Ed. by Björn Onken and Dorothea Rohde. Wiesbaden 2011, pp. 185-197.

  • In den "Sümpfen der Hypothesen" - Wissensvermittlung auf Irrwegen: die Prillwitzer Idole und die landesarchäologische Forschung in der Aufklärungszeit. In: Buchkultur und Wissensvermittlung in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit. Edited by Andreas Gardt, Mireille Schnyder, Jürgen Wolf. Berlin/Boston 2011, pp. 293-310.

  • The Museum of the Enlightenment and its Audience - "Rarity Stuff for Every Fool"? On the visitor book of the Kunsthaus and Museum Fridericianum in Kassel. In: The Things of the Enlightenment. Contributions to the DGEJ Annual Conference 2010 in Halle a. d. Saale. Edited by Frauke Berndt, Daniel Fulda (= Studies on the 18th century, vol. 34). Hamburg 2012, pp. 479-489

  • The "Middle Ages" in the view of two German historians of the Enlightenment period: Johann Christoph Gatterer and Rudolf Erich Raspe in an exchange about a disregarded age. In: Journal of the Association for Hessian History and Regional Studies 2014, pp. 105-124.

  • Charles Gleyre et Arnold Böcklin - Du "sentiment antique." In: Ausst.Kat. Charles Gleyre - Le romantique repenti. Musée d'Orsay, Paris 2016, pp. 218-229.

  • The Audience of the Antiquities. Kunsthaus and Museum Fridericianum in Kassel as destinations of educational and research trips of the European Enlightenment. In: On the Way to the Museum. Collection and Presentation of Ancient Art at German Princely Courts of the 18th Century. Essays on the international conference in Kassel, April 2013. ed. by Charlotte Schreiter, Alexis Joachimides, Rüdiger Splitter.  Kassel 2016, pp. 191-210.

  • Zwischen Stadt und Schloss - Kasseler Geschichte(n) um 1800 aus der Korrespondenz der Brüder Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm mit ihrer Tante Henriette Philippine Zimmer. In: Journal of the Association for Hessian History and Regional Studies 2018, pp. 195-218.

  • In search of medieval lore: Wilhelm Grimm's visit to Count Kesselstatt in Paderborn in 1811 and a review of the Münchhausen author Rudolf Erich Raspe. In: Holger Ehrhardt et al. (eds.): Über Nachtfliegen, Zaunkönige und Meisterdiebe. New contributions to Grimm and fairy tale research. Kassel 2019 (in print)

3. smaller writings:

  • "With black jewelry or with pearls". Mourning and memorial jewelry from the Baroque to the Art Deco. In: Friedhof und Denkmal, 40th Jg, 3/1995, pp. 52-57.

  • Een sieraad als uiting van rouw. In: AVVL-magazine, 3/1995, pp. 8-10.

  • Article in Saur: Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon (AKL), and in Walther Killy: Literaturlexikon. Authors and works in the German-speaking cultural area

  • Articles "Rudolf Erich Raspe," "Rudolf Hallo," and "Hugo Brunner" in "Kleines Kasseler Literaturlexikon," ed. by Nicola Rossbach, Kassel 2016 (in press).

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