GRP 2001
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Rule and Violence in Georg Forster
Kassel, June 22 and 23, 2001
Friday, June 22, 2001
Senate Hall of the GhK
9.00 a.m. Welcoming address
of the participants by the chairman of the Georg Forster Society, Prof. Dr. Horst Dippel
of the president of the University of Kassel, Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep
9.30 a.m. GundolfKrüger, Göttingen
"Why do people have such a quantity of weapons? Is not easy to foresee with their good-hearted and tolerable character": Reflections on War and Violence in the South Seas (1772-1775)
10.30 a.m.
Coffee break
10.45 a.m. Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink, Saarbrücken
Civilizational Violence. On the Perception of Colonial Discovery and Acculturation in Georg Forster's Travelogues and Reviews
11.45 a.m. Tanja van Hoorn, Hannover
" short they look like the ugliest negroes." Ruling looks as anthropological sketches in Forster's Journey Around the World.
12:45 p.m.
Lunch Break
14.00 h Guido Ipsen, Kassel
Power in the World: Structures of Domination and Hierarchies in Nature and Culture in Georg Forster's Work
14.50 h Christian Ritter, Lübeck
Representations of violence in Georg Forster's "Journey Around the World
Coffee break
4.00 p.m. Ruth Stummann-Bowert, Gießen
Georg Forster's natural law justification of the unity of violence and cultural progress: "New Holland and the British Colony at Botany-Bay" (1786) and "Cook the Explorer" (1787)
17.00 Manuela Ribeiro Sanches, Lisbon.
Domination and Experience. Forster's Conflicts with Kant and Meiners
Friday evening: Lecture
Kasseler Sparkasse, Wolfsschlucht 8
20.00 Jan Phillip Reemtsma, Hamburg
Murder on the Beach
Saturday, June 23, 2001
Senate Hall of the GhK
9:00 a.m. Ludwig Uhlig, Athens, Ga.
The pre-revolutionary Forster in the field of tension of German politics
9.45 a.m. Helmut Reinalter, Innsbruck
Johann Georg Forster's understanding of revolution
10.15 a.m.
Coffee Break
10.30 a.m. Helmut Peitsch, Cardiff
Preserving Destruction: Medea and Hercules as Images of Revolution in Forster's Writings
11.15 a.m.
Coffee break
11.30 a.m. Marita Gilli, Besançon
The Limits of Democracy: Violence in the Parisian Outlines
12.15 pm Thomas Grosser, Mannheim
Domination and violence as problematic fields of political action. Georg Forster in the Mainz Republic
1 p.m.
End of the colloquium
with the kind support of:
Universität Gesamthochschule Kassel
Kasseler Sparkasse
Kasseler Hochschulbund