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Become a member of the Georg Forster Society!

Please simply print out the necessary membership form . Fill it out completely, send it to us signed and transfer the first membership fee to the following account: Georg-Forster-Society; IBAN: DE34 5205 0353 0000 1514 25; BIC: HELADEF1KAS (reference "membership fee  + year"). All following contributions will be collected by us.

All 'natural persons' interested in Georg Forster can become members of the Georg Forster Society, but also for example associations, scientific institutes or authorities. The annual membership fee for active members is EUR 40,00, for supporting members at least EUR 60,00. The reduced fee, e.g. for students, is EUR 20,00.

All members receive annually free of charge the latest volume of the Georg-Forster-Studien. Additional copies and older volumes can be obtained at a reduced price.

The Georg Forster Society is recognized as a non-profit organization, so that contributions and donations are tax deductible.

All important information about the work of the Georg Forster Society can be found on this website. We additionally inform our members about special events by e-mail. Please let us know your e-mail address if you would like to receive this information.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Georg Forster Society!

For the members of the Georg-Forster-Society the internal area is offered. In the dialog window you have to enter the user name (Username). This is: "GeorgForster". Under Password please enter the password that was sent to you. If you have forgotten your password, please send an e-mail to the Georg-Forster-Society.