Curriculum Vitae

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  • Born 13. 07. 1954, married, one daughter, two sons

  • 1975 -1979 Studies for the simple teaching profession middle school with the subjects German, history and educational science at the University of Hamburg.

  • 1979 -1981 traineeship at the comprehensive school Hamburg-Rahlstedt with the degree of elementary and secondary school teacher.

  • 1982 - 1985 Doctoral scholarship of the Hans-Böckler-Foundation

  • 1986 - 1988 Research assistant at Cornelsen Schulbuchverlag for general elementary and special schools

  • 1989 - 1997 Primary school teacher at the elementary school Schottmüllerstraße (now: Marie-Beschütz-Schule) in Hamburg Eppendorf and Sander Straße in Hamburg-Bergedorf

  • 1995 Doctorate in Educational Science (Dr. phil.) at the University of Hamburg with Prf. Dr. Mechthild Dehn and Prof. Dr. Bodo Lecke with the thesis "Lernen im Anfangsunterricht" (Learning in early childhood education)

  • 1992 - 1996 Scientific coordinator of the pilot project of the Bund-Länder-Commission "Elementary Writing Culture: Prevention of Reading and Writing Difficulties and Illiteracy in Primary School Children, Preschool - Grade 2".

  • 1997 - 1999 Substitute professor for German didactics with focus on elementary school at the University of Kassel

  • Since April 2000 Professor for German didactics with focus on elementary school at the University of Kassel

  • 2005 Rejection of a call as W3-Professor at the PH Ludwigsburg

  • April 2007 - Sept. 2009 Executive Director of the Institute for German Studies at the Department of Linguistics and Literature at the University of Kassel (FB 2)