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  • Dissertation paper "Optional Punctuation as a Learning Impulse. Reception and Reflection of Period, Semicolon and Comma in Secondary Education". - Currently: preparing the print version.
  • Anthology "Methods and Discourses of Didactic Punctuation Research." (co-authored with Maurice Hüttemann and Miriam Langlotz) - Current: deadline for submitting abstracts for the anthology is 05/15/2022.
  • Dictionary entries for the series "Wörterbücher der Sprach- und Kommunikations-wissenschaft" Volume "Schriftlinguistik". - Currently: planning of the entries.
  • Cooperation with Westermann-Verlag as author for the D Eins series volume 9 and 10. - Currently: approval and publication of volume 9; conception of volume 10.

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