Publications and lectures

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Ágel, Vilmos/Linnenkohl, Marcel/Schäfer, Karolin (28.04.2024): Sentence construction plans in GiesKaNe 0.3. working talks on historical lexicography 2024, Trier.

Schäfer, Karolin (21.03.2024): "[A] pesar de su carácter manso, puede ser [...] feroz." - Hegemonic masculinity and the dream of being someone else in Guillermo Saccomanno's post-crisis novel El oficinista (2010). XXXIX Forum Junge Romanistik, Hamburg.

Schäfer, Karolin (18.01.2024): The (de)construction of Argentine middle-class identity: Guillermo Saccomanno's El of icinista (2010). Guest lecture in the advanced seminar "Office Stories from Latin America", University of Kassel.

Schäfer, Karolin/Linnenkohl, Marcel (28.04.2023): The battle for the niche: the verbal prefixes ent- and er- in a diachronic perspective. Workshop on historical lexicography 2023, Marienburg/Bullay an der Mosel.


Reviews & shorter contributions

Schäfer, Karolin (2024): "La cuestión del género en la novela argentina post-crisis: El oficinista (2010)". In: Lectura Abierta (12.03.2024), available at: (last accessed: 12.03.2024).

Schäfer, Karolin (2024): "La cuestión del género en la novela postapocalíptica: Plop". In: Lectura Abierta (17.01.2024), available at: (last accessed: 17.01.2024).

Schäfer, Karolin (2024): "Reseña de Los días de la peste". In: Lectura Abierta (09.01.2024), available at: https: // (last accessed: 10.01.2024).

Schäfer, Karolin/Linnenkohl, Marcel (03.11.2023): The battle for the niche: the verbal prefixes ent- and er- in a diachronic perspective. Blog entry on the homepage of the DFG project "Syntaktische Grundstrukturen des Neuhochdeutschen. Zur grammatischen Fundierung eines Referenzkorpus Neuhochdeutsch", available at: (last accessed: 25.01.2024).


Academic term paper as part of the first state examination

Schäfer, Karolin (2020): "The (de)construction of Argentinian middle-class identity in the post-crisis novel of the 21st century: Guillermo Saccomanno's El oficinista (2010)" (unpublished manuscript).