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Guided tour of the exhibition 'Climate Terrorists

Guided tour by photographers

Un|word, the
inappropriate word

Even the German dictionary of the Brothers Grimm lists unword as a "nasty, insulting, hurtful, reprehensible" word. According to this, a nonword is inappropriate in its meaning
. This essentially describes what the jury for the "Unwort des
Jahres" also understands by it. Unwords do not exist in themselves. "The meaning of a word
is its use in language." (Ludwig Wittgenstein) Linguistic expressions become
unwords by the fact that they are used by speakers either thoughtlessly or with
intentions worthy of criticism. Criticism of the use of unwords
aims to raise awareness of discriminatory, misleading or inhumane
ways of speaking.
For almost two decades, exhibitions have been created for the Unword of the Year. For the nine
photographers, the task this time was once again to translate the unword imaginatively into photographic visualizations
. The large-format light boxes can now be seen for the first time in Kassel at
Palais Bellevue on the initiative of Prof.
Dr. David Römer and invited by the Brückner-Kühner Foundation. A supporting program and guided tours by the artists
accompany the exhibition.


Further information can be found here.

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