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Mentoring Assignment First Semester German Studies WS 2022/2023 (Updated on 20.02.2023)

Mentoring means the personal support and advice of students by a professor in the first semesters of their studies. Within the framework of mentoring, students are given the opportunity to exchange ideas with their trusted lecturer beyond the daily routine of seminars and lectures. Basic questions about your studies can be discussed, plans for well-structured studies can be worked out, but also motivation problems, learning obstacles or academic frustrations can be addressed. If necessary, the mentor will also work with you to develop concrete and individual steps to solve problems.

Organizational tips and information on mentoring at IfG:

A total of three mentoring meetings are offered during the first four semesters of your studies:

  • The first mentoring meeting takes place as a group event with all professors of the IfG for all students in the first semester.This has the advantage that you can get to know all professors once. At the end of this event, you will have a one-time opportunity to change your mentor if you wish. To do so, please write an email to the IfG institute secretariat after the end of the event. Students who do not attend the first mentoring meeting will keep their assigned mentor.
  • The second mentoring meeting will take place at the beginning of the summer semester. This date is organized by the respective mentor and takes place either as a group event for the respective group or as a consultation hour. For this purpose, all students of German Studies in the second semester will be contacted by the respective mentor regarding the date and the form of the event. 
  • The third mentoring appointment takes place in the following summer semester (your fourth semester of study) and is organized in the same way as the second appointment.

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