Symposium on 19.12.2014

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Report on the symposium on 19.12.2014

December is the month of communal celebrations. One such celebration took place at the Institute of Catholic Theology as part of a theological symposium on December 19, 2014. The two jubilarians Prof. Dr. Dr. Helmuth Rolfes and Prof. Dr. Herbert Zwergel were honored. Both reached their 70th birthday in 2013 and 2014. Many former students and lecturers of the University of Kassel were present.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Helmuth Rolfes and Prof. Dr. Herbert Zwergel were professors at the Institute of Catholic Theology at the University of Kassel for many years. The Institute therefore decided to host a symposium in their honor. The guest lecture was given by Prof. Dr. Jürgen Manemann, Professor and Director of the Research Institute for Philosophy in Hanover, on the topic of "How we live well together - a plea for Christian political ethics". The lecturer highlighted the importance of Christian intervention in key political issues.

The evening was rounded off with a glass of sparkling wine and a cold buffet, and the topics were discussed in greater depth.