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Alexandra Colligs
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin: Praktische Philosophie
- Location
- Henschelstraße 2
34127 Kassel
- Room
- Raum 2142 A
- Telephone
- +49 561 804-3306
- Alexandra.Colligs[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
social philosophy, critical theory, feminist theory, aesthetics, German idealism
01/2020 - 07/2022 Research assistant at the Chair of Sociology at the University of Passau
04/2014 - 06/2020 PhD with Prof. Dr. Christoph Menke at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main.
Topic: Identity and Liberation. Subject critique according to Butler and Adorno.
10/2004 - 01/2013 Degree in Philosophy at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main.
1st minor subject: German Studies
2nd minor subject: Psychoanalysis
a) Monographs
2021 -Identity and Liberation. Subject Critique after Butler and Adorno, Frankfurt/M.: Campus, 2021.
b) Editorships
2024- The Selected Writings of Frigga Haug, co-edited with Jeta Mulaj and Cindy Zeiher, London: Routledge. Forthcoming.
2022 - Critical Theory and Feminism, co-edited with Karin Stögner, Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2022.
c) Essays in edited volumes
2022 - " Two Forms of Critique of Identity. Zum Verhältnis von Kritischer Theorie und Queer-Feminismus" In Kritische Theorie und Feminismus, edited by Karin Stögner and Alexandra Colligs, Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2022, 225-246.
- "Normative Materialism and Transformation - An Interview with Rahel Jaeggi" In Critical Theory and Feminism, edited by Karin Stögner and Alexandra Colligs, Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2022, 147-165.
2015 - " Aesthetics as critique". In Critique and Reconciliation. Beiträge zu einem Kongress an der Universität Oldenburg, edited by Jaro Ehlers, Ulrich Mathias Gerr and Eike Köhler, Oldenburg: BIS-Verlag 2015, 239-251.
d) Articles in journals
2023 - " The Need of a Critical Theory of Digitalization", Krisis: Journal for Contemporary Philosophy, 43 (2023), 117-119.
2022 - " Universalism at the Moment of its Fall" Phase 2. Journal against Reality,60 (2022), 32-35.
2021 - " ...'we call it unpaid work'. A feminist perspective on the pandemic", Freie Assoziation. Journal of Psychoanalytic Social Psychology, 1 (2021), 36-47 (with Jessica Lütgens).
- "The Subject as Object in the Pandemic", Free Association . Journal of Psychoanalytic Social Psychology, 1 (2021), 112-131.
2017 - " Breaking Bad. Morality backwards", Narthex. Journal for Radical Thought, 3 (2017), 53-61.
- "Alienation as an Aesthetic Perspective in 'Frances Ha' and 'Oh Boy'", Lointain. Journal of Philosophy 1 (2017), 21-33.
e) Reviews
2020 - "Review of Judith Butler's The Force of Nonviolence", Journal of Philosophical Literature, vol. 8, no. 4 (2020) (with Christina Engelmann).
f) Translations
2023 - Jeta Mulaj: "Ontology as Ideology: A Critique of Butler's Theory of Precarity", Das Argument, 34 (2023), 61-82.
2022 - Nancy Fraser: "Marketization, Social Protection and Emancipation. Ambivalences of feminism in the context of capitalist crises". In Critical Theory and Feminism, edited by Karin Stögner and Alexandra Colligs, Berlin: Suhrkamp 2022, 203-222(with Amelie Feuerer).
- Ingrid Cyfer: "'Paradigm wars of feminist theory'"- on the problem of subjectivation in Seyla Benhabib and Judith Butler". In Critical Theory and Feminism, edited by Karin Stögner and Alexandra Colligs, Berlin: Suhrkamp 2022, 265-285.
- Ana Claudia Lopes: "'Habermas in a dress ?' On Seyla Benhabib, loyal oppositions and feminism as critique". In Critical Theory and Feminism, edited by Karin Stögner and Alexandra Colligs, Berlin: Suhrkamp 2022, 286-304 (with Ulrike Komzak).
17/02/2024 "What we can learn about reason from the dialectic of enlightenment", Wilde Theorie lecture series (University of Bremen)
11/01/2024 "The Gap in Nature as Social Difference. Zur Kritik der herrschenden Vernunft", Workshop The Repression and Return of Nature: Critical Perspectives in Feminist Philosophy (University of Giessen)
15/12/2023 Response to Gerhard Schweppenhäuser: "Vernunft als 'Seitensprung der Naturgeschichte? Herrschaftskritik und Geschichte in Horkheimers Schriften der 1940er bis 1960er Jahre", Workshop Die Wirklichkeit des ganz Anderen. Max Horkheimer today (University of Kassel).
13/12/2023 "Identity and its critique. Zum Verhältnis von Queerfeminismus und Kritischer Theorie", lecture series Critique on Campus (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main)
09/11/2023 "Dialectics of Enlightenment", lecture series Introduction to Critical Theory (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main).
28/10/2023 "Spirit and Liberation. Zum Eindenken gesellschaftlicher Arbeitssteilung in der Kritischen Theorie", Workshop Interdisziplinärer Materialismus II - Über Arbeit (University of Kassel).
20/10/2023 "Identity- Two Forms of Critique", Workshop Critical Theory and Feminism - French-German-Dialogues (University of Picardy Jules Verne, Amiens).
06/10/2023 "'I'm doing this for me' - Social Media and Body Standardization", 2° Workshop PRIN Fotografia Femminista Italiana, (University of Parma).
28/06/2023 "Chat GPT, we need to talk...Possibilities, limits and dangers of AI" panel discussion (University of Kassel).
02/06/2023 "'I do it for me' - Beauty ideals and standardization in times of social media", Medical Forum All About Aesthetics - Beauty with risks and side effects (Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, Kloster Banz).
07/05/2023 "Spirit and the Gendered Division of Labor. Lessons from the Dialectic of Enlightenment", 15th International Critical Theory Conference (John Felice Rome Center of Loyola University Chicago).
03/03/2023 "Another History of the Mind", Forschungskolleg für Kritische Theorie (Freie Universität Berlin).
21/02/2023 "Materialist Feminism - An Insight", (Dresden University of Technology).
07/12/2022 "On the Concept of Identity: Two Critiques", ZKF Public Talk (University of Konstanz).
26/11/2022 "Identity: Two Forms of Critique", Current Constellations Conference (Online).
10/11/2022 "On the Concept of Identity: Two Forms of Critique" (Veto, Erfurt).
04/10/2022 "Critical Theory and Feminism: On the Concept of Identity" (Depot, Vienna).
30/09/2022 "Destructive Progress", IX Conference for Practical Philosophy (University of Salzburg).
14/09/2022 "Dialectic of Self-Preservation in Capitalism", Conference Challenges of Sustainability (University of Kassel).
23/06/2022 "On the Concept of Identity: Two Critiques", Lecture Series Ohne Angst verschieden sein (University of Passau).
19/05/2022 "Der Abgrund von Vernunft als Lücke der Natur", conference Critical Theory between Kant and Hegel (University of Basel).
16/05/2022 "Identity - Two Forms of Critique. Queer-Feminism and Critical Theory", 14th International Critical Theory Conference (John Felice Rome Center of Loyola University Chicago).
04/05/2022 "On the Question of Identity. Two Forms of Critique", lecture series Alles wird nichts gewesen sein - Annäherungen an den Begriff der Identität (Technische Universität Dresden).
18/02/2022 "Blocked Possibility in the Light of Adorno's Nature-History Dialectic", response to Iain Macdonald's What Would Be Different (University of Leipzig).
16/12/2021 "Identity and Liberation", book presentation at the Colloquium for Social Philosophy by Martin Saar (University of Frankfurt)
03/12/2021 "Vulnerable Bodies", panel discussion with Paula-Irene Villa Braslavsky and Rolf Pohl, Annual Conference of the Society for Psychoanalytic Social Psychology (Online).
12/11/2021 "...we call it unpaid work - women's concerns, work and life in times of pandemic", Workshop Diversity educates! (Online).
16/07/2021 "Identity and Division of Labor", workshop series Material Feminism (Society for Women in Philosophy,Online).
08/02/2019 "Relativism instead of universalism. Queer Feminism and Identity Politics", Conference Critical Theory and Feminism (Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main).
04/07/2018 "Alienation as Critique in Pieces of Contemporary Pop-Culture", Conference Film and Philosophy (University of Goteborg).
15/02/2018 "Ästhetisches Spiel und Queer-Feminismus", X. Congress of the German Society for Aesthetics: Das ist Ästhetik! (University of Art and Design, Offenbach am Main).
21/04/2017 "Revolution and Hegemony", Workshop Nature and Revolution (Institute for Social Research, Frankfurt am Main).
15/09/2016 "Alienation as Sentiment and Aesthetic Perspective in 'Frances Ha' and 'Oh Boy'", EPSEE-Workshop Aesthetic Affectivity Reconsidered (Bauhaus University, Weimar).
28/06/2016 "Nice Job wearing the Pants. Verhandlung männlicher Subjektformen in 'Breaking Bad'", lecture series Gender & Popkultur (Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen).
24/05/2016 "Serien und das Politische", conference Die fiktive Agora. On the negotiation of the political in TV series (Sigmund Freud Institute, Frankfurt am Main).
12/02/2016 "Reversing morality: 'Breaking Bad' and Nietzsche", 37th Conference of the Annual Southwest Popular/American Culture Association (Hyatt Regency Conference Center Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA).
31/10/2015 "We are united by drifting alone", Graduate ConferenceChallenging Collectivities (Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main).
21/08/2015 "Genealogy of Morality reversed: 'Breaking Bad'", Festival Eselsfest (Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main).
16/01/2015 "Aesthetics as Critique", Conference Critique and Reconciliation (Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg).
University of Kassel
Winter 2023/2024
- Spirit, Nature and the Problem of Freedom (BA Seminar) - On the Critique of Political Economy (MA Seminar)
Summer 2023
- Introduction to Materialist Feminism (BA Seminar) - Dialectics of Enlightenment (MA Seminar)
Winter 2022/2023
- Introduction to Materialist Feminism (BA Seminar) - Critical Theory of Digitalization (MA Seminar)
University of Passau
Summer 2022
- Conspiracy ideologies
Winter 2021/2022
- Conspiracy ideologies
Summer 2021
- Feminism and Film - Conspiracy Ideologies
Winter 2020/2021
- Democracy and digitalization
Summer 2020
- On the subject with Judith Butler - Pop culture