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Prof. Dr. Dr. Kristian Köchy
Fachgebietsleitung »Theoretische Philosophie« / Geschäftsführender Direktor IfP
- Telephone
- +49 561 804-3550
- koechy-kristian[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
- Location
- Henschelstraße 2
34127 Kassel
- Room
- Raum 2144
- Consultation Hours
Donnerstag, 14.00 bis 15.00 Uhr (vor Ort nach vorheriger Anmeldung und per Zoom)
Kristian Köchy studied biology, philosophy and history of science in Braunschweig and Dortmund. From the beginning, his philosophical research was characterized by the close contact with biological questions. His historical interests have also been directed - since his philosophical doctorate on the universalistic research program of German Romanticism - towards the connection between literature, science and philosophy in the 18th and 19th centuries (works on Goethe, Lichtenberg, Alexander v. Humboldt, for example). From a systematic point of view, since taking up the professorship of philosophy at the University of Kassel, the focus has been on the elaboration of a contextual biophilosophy. In complementary individual studies, the aim was to take stock of, critically assess, and ethically comment on current developments in the life sciences. For example, the cognitive neurosciences, genetic engineering (in the context of a membership in the genetic engineering report of the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences), and recent developments in synthetic biology were examined. Some intellectual energy also went into trying to fathom the conditions for a modern philosophy of nature in the face of serious environmental problems.
- 1981-1988
Studies in Biology (Diploma) at the TU Braunschweig. - 1988
Diploma in Biology at the Institute of Zoology-Physiology, TU Braunschweig on the topic: morphology of the nervous system of the praying mantis. - 1988-1992
Studies in philosophy, TU Braunschweig. - 1991
Doctorate in Biology at the Institute of Zoology-Physiology, TU Braunschweig. Dissertation on: Development and neuroethology of the defensive behavior of the praying mantis. - 1995
Doctorate in Philosophy at the University of Dortmund. Dissertation on the topic: Holistic phenomena and analytical methods. Concepts for overcoming mechanistic-reductionist thinking. - 1995
Scientific Assistant (C1) in Philosophy, Chair of Philosophy of Technology, University of Dortmund. - 2000
Habilitation and Venia legendi in Philosophy, University of Dortmund. Habilitation thesis on the topic: Perspectives of the Organic. - 2001-2003
Research Assistant; Coordination of the Interdisciplinary " Working Group "Gene Technology Report" at the BBAW, Berlin. - SS 2001 and SS 2002
Substitute professor at the HU Berlin - Chair of Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Nature (Michael Heidelberger). - WS 2002/03
Visiting Professorship Bioethics at the Department of Biotechnology, FH Lausitz - University of Applied Sciences. - From SS 2003
Professorship for Philosophy with focus on Theoretical Philosophy, University of Kassel.
Member of the Scientific Commission "Life Sciences" at the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, Halle an der Saale, 2023-2026. link
- Editorial Board of Online-Lexikon Naturphilosophie/Online Encyclopedia Philosophy of Nature, since 2017.
- Editorial Board of Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte (Wiley-VCH): 2008-2019.
- Editorial Board of Philosophy, Theology, and the Sciences (Mohr Siebeck), since 2013.
- Member of the Research Group on Natural Philosophy of the Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen Studiengemeinschaft e.V. (FEST, Heidelberg), since 2008. link; link.
- Member of the LOEWE research focus Animal - Human - Society. Approaches to an interdisciplinary animal research. (Spokesperson Prof. W. Speitkamp, University of Kassel) 2014-2016. rapporteur project area A ("Differentiation and Hierarchization"). Project leader of the subprojects "On the methodology and methodology of research on the welfare of farm animals" and "Methodological mediations. The relationship between animals and humans considering the methodological approaches of animal research."
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board "Haeckel-Briefedition" (Ernst Haeckel (1843-1919) Briefedition) at the Leopoldina, National Academy of Sciences, Halle since 2013. Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Department of Philosophy, Languages, Humanities and General Continuing Education at the University of Ulm since 2013. link
- Series editor of Life Sciences in Dialogue (together with Prof. Dr. S. Majetschak, Kassel) Verlag Karl Alber, since 2006. Link
- Series editor of Physis (together with Prof. Dr. G. Hartung, Wuppertal, Prof. Dr. N. Karafyllis, Braunschweig, Prof. Dr. K. Ott, Greifswald, Prof. Dr. G. Schiemann, Wuppertal) Verlag Karl Alber, since 2013. Link
1. books
1.1 Books and Monographs, Philosophy
- (1997) K. Köchy, Wholeness and Science. The historical case study of romantic natural science, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 505 pages.
- (2003) K. Köchy, Perspectives on the Organic. Biophilosophy between philosophy of nature and philosophy of science.. Paderborn/Munich/Vienna/Zurich: Ferdinand Schöningh Verlag, 656 pp.
- (2008) K. Köchy, Biophilosophie zur Einführung, Hamburg: Junius, 237 pp.
- (2022) K. Köchy, BeseelteTiere - Umwelten und Netzwerke der Tierpsychologie, Berlin: J.B. Metzler, 437 pages.
1.2 Editing and co-authorship, technology research.
- (2002) K. Köchy, F. Hucho, A. Bosse, W. van den Daele (eds.), Genetic engineering as an economic factor?- Definitions and evaluation criteria, Heidelberg/Berlin: Spektrum akademischer Verlag, 92 pp.
- (2003) F. Hucho, K. Köchy (eds.), Materials for a Genetic Engineering Report. Basic Research - Medical Application - Economic Significance, Heidelberg/Berlin: Spektrum akademischer Verlag, 187 pages.
- (2005) F. Hucho, K. Brockhoff, W. van den Daele, K. Köchy, J. Reich, H.-J. Rheinberger, B. Müller-Röber, K. Sperling, A. M. Wobus, M. Boysen, M. Kölsch, Genetic Engineering Report. Analysis of a high technology in Germany, Heidelberg/Berlin: Elsevier, Spektrum akademischer Verlag, 578 pages.
- (2006) A. M. Wobus, F. Hucho, W. van den Daele, K. Köchy, J. Reich, H.-J. Rheinberger, B. Müller-Röber, K. Sperling, M. Boysen, M. Kölsch, Stem Cell Research and Cell Therapy. State of knowledge and framework conditions in Germany. Supplement to the Genetic Engineering Report, Heidelberg/Berlin: Elsevier, Spektrum akademischer Verlag, 295 pages.
- (2007) B. Müller-Röber, W. v.d. Daele, F. Hucho, K. Köchy, J. Reich, H.-J. Rheinberger, K. Sperling, A. M. Wobus, M. Boysen, M. Kölsch, Grüne Gentechnologie - aktuelle Entwicklungen in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft. Supplement to the Genetic Engineering Report, Heidelberg/Berlin: Elsevier, Spektrum akademischer Verlag, 180 pp.
- (2007) J. Schmidtke, B. Müller-Röber, W. v.d. Daele, F. Hucho, K. Köchy, K. Sperling, J. Reich, H.-J. Rheinberger, A. M. Wobus, M. Boysen, S. Domasch (eds.), Gene Diagnostics in Germany. Status quo and problem exploration. Supplement to the Genetic Engineering Report, Dornburg: Forum W, 208 pages.
- (2009) B. Müller-Röber, M. Boysen, B. Fehse, F. Hucho, K. Köchy, J. Reich, H.-J. Rheinberger, H.-H. Ropers, K. Sperling, A. M. Wobus, Zweiter Gentechnologiebericht. Analysis of a high technology in Germany, Dornburg: Forum W, 461 pages.
- (2009) H. M. Beier, B. Fehse, B. Friedrich, M. Götz, I. Hansmann, F. Hucho, K. Köchy, B. Müller-Röber, H.-J. Rheinberger, J. Reich, H.-H. Ropers, H. R. Schöler, B. Schöne-Seiffert, K. Sperling, K. Tanner, J. Taupitz, A. M. Wobus, New directions in stem cell research. Reprogramming of differentiated somatic cells, Recommendation of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. National Academy of Sciences, Berlin, 28 pp.
- (2012) K. Köchy, A. Hümpel (eds.), Synthetic biology. Development of a new engineering biology? Dornburg. Forum W, 288 pp.
1.3 Editing, Philosophy
- (1999) R. Elm, K. Köchy, M. Meyer (eds.) (1999), Hermeneutics of life. Potentials of the concept of life in the crisis of modernity, Freiburg/Munich: Verlag Karl Alber, 338 pp.
- (2006) K. Köchy, D. Stederoth (eds.), Willensfreiheit als interdisziplinäres Problem, Series: Lebenswissenschaften im Dialog vol.1, Freiburg/München: Verlag Karl Alber, 388 pp.
- (2006) K. Köchy, M. Norwig (eds.), Umwelt-Handeln. On the connection between natural philosophy and environmental ethics, Series: Lebenswissenschaften im Dialog Bd.2, Freiburg/ Munich: Verlag Karl Alber, 314 pp.
- (2008) K. Köchy, M. Norwig, G. Hofmeister (eds.), Nanobiotechnologies. Philosophical, anthropological and ethical questions, Series: Lebenswissenschaften im Dialog Vol. 4, Freiburg, Munich: Verlag Karl Alber, 372 pp.
- (2011) P. Kolmer, K. Köchy (eds.), God and Nature. Philosophical positions on the current controversy about the theory of evolution, Freiburg/Munich: Verlag Karl Alber, 267 pp.
- (2013) G. Hartung, K. Köchy, J. Schmidt, G. Hofmeister (eds.), Naturphilosophie als Grundlage der Naturethik. On the topicality of Hans Jonas, Freiburg/Munich: Verlag Karl Alber, 296 pp.
- (2015) K. Köchy, F. Michelini (eds.), Between Cultures. Plessner's stages of the organic in a contemporary historical context, Freiburg/Munich: Verlag Karl Alber.
- (2016) S. Schaede, K. Köchy (eds.), Life. Historical-systematic studies on the history of a concept. Vol. 3, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
- (2016) T. Kirchhoff, K. Köchy (eds.), Desirable multiplicity. Diversity as category, finding and norm, Freiburg/Munich: Verlag Karl Alber, 271 pp.
- (2016) M. Böhnert, K. Köchy, M. Wunsch (eds.), Philosophy of Animal Research, vol. 1: Methods and Programs, Freiburg/Munich: Verlag Karl Alber. Link.
- (2016) K. Köchy, M. Wunsch, M. Böhnert (eds.), Philosophy of animal research, vol. 2: Maxims and consequences, Freiburg/Munich: Verlag Karl Alber. Link.
- (2017) T. Kirchhoff, N. C. Karafyllis, D. Evers, B. Falkenburg, M. Gerhard, G. Hartung, J. Hübner, K. Köchy, U. Krohs, T. Potthast, O. Schäfer, G. Schiemann, M. Schlette, R. Schulz, F. Vogelsang (eds.), Philosophy of Nature. A textbook and study book, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck (UTB), ca. 350 pp.
- (2018) M. Wunsch, M. Böhnert, K. Köchy (eds.), Philosophy of Animal Research, vol. 3, Milieus and Actors, Freiburg/Munich: Verlag Karl Alber, 466 pp. Link.
- (2020) F. Michelini, K. Köchy (eds.), Uexkülland Philosophy. Life, Environments, Anthropology, Series: History and Philosophy of Biology, Oxford: Routledge, 266 pages.
1.4 Main topics in journals
- (2006) together with G. Schiemann, Nature in the Laboratory. Focus issue of Philosophia naturalis, 43 (1), 2006, Frankfurt a. M.: Vittorio Klostermann, 191 pages.
- (2011) Naturalization. Focus issue of Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 5 (1), 2011, Hamburg: Meiner Verlag, 272 pages.
2. individual contributions
2.1 Biology, technology research
- (1987) with D. Gebauer, E. Liske, H.-G. Wolff, The praying mantis nervous system. Thoracic and abdominal ganglia, in: N. Elsner, O. Creutzfeldt (Eds.), New frontiers in brain research, Proceedings of the 15th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, Stuttgart/New York: Georg Thieme Verlag, 66.
- (1988) with E. Liske, H.-G. Wolff, The thoracic nerves and muscles of the praying mantis Tenodera aridifolia sinensis, in: N. Elsner, F. G. Barth (Eds.), Sense Organs, Proceedings of the 16th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, Stuttgart/New York: Georg Thieme Verlag, 295.
- (1989) with E. Liske, H.-G. Wolff, The Thoracic Nervous system of the Chinese praying mantis, Tenodera aridifolia sinensis: Peripheral Distribution of the Nerves and Musculature they supply, in Zoologische Jahrbücher Anatomie 118, 191-199.
- (1990) with E. Liske, H.-G. Wolff, Studies on postembryonic defensive behavior in the mantis Sphodromantis spec. in: Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft 83, 140.
- (1991) with E. Liske, H.-G. Wolff, Changes in abdominal posture during development of defensive behavior in the praying mantis Sphodromantis viridis, in: N. Elsner, H. Penzlin (Eds.), Synapse - Transmission - Modulation, Proceedings of the 19th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, Stuttgart/New York: Georg Thieme Verlag, 62.
- (1993) with E. Liske, H.-G. Wolff, Strategy switching during the ontogeny of defensive behavior in the praying mantis Sphodromantis viridis, in: M. Heisenberg, N. Elsner (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, Stuttgart/New York: Georg Thieme Verlag, 120.
- (1999) with E. Liske, H.-G. Wolff, Ontogeny of Defensive Behaviors, in F. R. Prete, H. Hurd, P. H. Wells, L. E. Hurd (Eds.), The Praying Mantids, Baltimore/London: John Hopkins University Press, 253-275.
- (2001) with A. Bosse, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities establishes interdisciplinary working group on "Genetic Engineering Report," in TA Database News 10 (2), 74-77.
- (2002) with F. Hucho, A. Bosse, Working Group on Genetic Engineering Report, in: Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Yearbook 2001, Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 289-298.
- (2002), Genetic engineering as an economic factor? Rümee zur den Rahmenbedingungen der Datenerhebung, in: K. Köchy, F. Hucho, A. Bosse, W. van den Daele (eds.), Gentechnik als Wirtschaftsfaktor - Definitionen und Bewertungskriterien, Heidelberg/Berlin: Spektrum akademischer Verlag, 84-90.
2.2 Individual contributions, philosophy
2.2.1 Contributions to journals
- (1995), Organic Wholeness - The Authoritative Principles of the Romantic Concept of Organism, in Biologisches Zentralblatt 114 (2), 207-215.
- (1996), Perspectives on the world: diversity and unity in the worldview of German Romanticism, in: Philosophia naturalis 33 (2), 317-342.
- (1998), The "fundamental contradiction of the natural sciences" with a reversed sign: Fechner's critique of Darwin as a case study of the convoluted course of development of biological theories, in: Jahrbuch für Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie 5, 55-70.
- (1999), Between the "Physics of the Organic" and the "Organization of Physics": Reflections on the Object and Method of Biology, in Journal for General Philosophy of Science 30 (1), 59-85.
- (2000), "Zolang ik zelf met natuur identiek ben, begrijp ik wat een levende natuur is" - Aanmerkingen bij Schellings natuurfilosofie, in: Filosofie 10 (2), 18-22.
- (2001), The importance of natural philosophical reflections in the context of ethical questions about the proper treatment of embryonic life, in: Zur Debatte 31, special issue, 11-13.
- (2002), Ethics and genetic engineering, in: Scientific Contributions of the Lausitz University of Applied Sciences 1, Senftenberg/Cottbus, 86-93.
- (2002), The "experiment of reason" in Kant and Hegel, in: Philosophisches Jahrbuch 109 (1), 44-63.
- (2002), The whole of nature - Alexander von Humboldt and the romantic research program; in: HiN Alexander von Humboldt on the Net. International Journal of Humboldt Studies 3 (5), 2002, 16 pp.[]
- (2002), The extension of human dominion, in: Counterwords. Journal for the Dispute about Knowledge 10, 2002, 39-41.
- (2003), From the genome to the proteome: is a paradigm shift in the offing? in From the Genome to the Proteome, GID Special, Genetic Information Service 4, 13-20.
- (2004), Perspectival architectonics of monadology: on the relation between content and form in Leibniz's philosophy, in Studia Leibnitiana 36 (2), 232-253.
- (2005), Biology without philosophy? On the natural philosophical dimension of the debate on the degree of differentiation and potentiality of stem cells and cloning, in: Biospektrum 11 (1), 50-52.
- (2006), Retreat of the clone warriors? On the relationship between ethics and biomedicine, Editorial, in: Biospektrum 12 (2), 128.
- (2006), What is the human being? On the possible consequences of NBIC technologies, in: Political Education 2, 2006, 63-87.
- (2006), with G. Schiemann, Nature in the Laboratory. Introduction, in: Philosophia naturalis 43 (1), 1-9.
- (2006), Living things in the laboratory. The experiment in biology, in:Philosophia naturalis 43 (1), 74-110.
- (2006), Biofacts: 'growths' in the laboratory? Critique of Nicole C. Karafyllis, Biofacts - Foundations, Problems, Perspectives, in Considering, Knowing, Ethics 17 (4), 586-588.
- (2008), Moral development from a philosophical perspective, commentary, in: brain & mind 1/2, 2008, cover story: the origin of good and evil, 50.
- (2009), "On the border always lie the strangest creatures". Lichtenberg on the Polyp, in: Lichtenberg Yearbook 2009, Heidelberg 47-76.
- (2010), Diversity of the Sciences in Carnap, Lewin and Fleck. On the development of a plural concept of science, in: Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 33 (1), 54-80.
- (2010), The concept of nature and its transformations, in: A. M. Wobus, U. Wobus, B. Parthier (eds.), Gaterslebener Begegnungen 2009. The concept of nature. Transformations of our understanding of nature and its consequences, in: Nova Acta Leopoldina. Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina - Nationale Akademie der Wissen schaften NF 109 (376), 59-72.
- (2011), Naturalization of culture or culturalization of nature? Zur kulturphilosophischen Abwehr der Geltungsansprüche der Naturwissenschaften, in Journal for Philosophy of Culture 5 (1), 2011, 137-159.
- (2012), The whole cosmos of biology. Toepfer's history and theory of basic biological concepts, in Journal of Philosophy of Culture 6 (2), 2012, 367-376.
- (2014), Concepts of Life in the Contexts of Action in Synthetic Biology, in: Yearbook of Science and Ethics 18, 2013, thematic focus: Live and Let Live. Which concept of life is suitable for bioethics and natural ethics?, 133-172. DOI: 10.1515/jwiet-2014-0107.
- (2015) (with M. Böhnert), The Egg-Laying Woolly Pig and the Peacock. Usefulness versus self-expression in nature, in: der blaue reiter. Journal of Philosophy, Theme: luxury, 51-56.
- (2018) Editorial Extractions. Hans Jonas' integrative biophilosophy of' organism and freedom'in the critical complete edition of his works, in: Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 4, 2018, 454-460. DOI: 10.1002/bewi.201801925.
- (2018) Kant's Theory of Organic Beings as a Theory of Biology?, in: German Journal of Philosophy 66(6), 2018, 892-900. DOI: 10.1515/dzph-2018-0064.
- (2019) The higher standpoint of the view of nature. Humboldt's Cosmos, in: Journal of Philosophy of Culture 13(2), 2019, 293-298.
- (2021) (with M. Böhnert): Outlines of a philosophy of animal research. In AnimalEthics, 13(2), pp. 7-38.
- (2023) Biology as the connection of objective processes with subjective phenomena. Zum Kantbezug von Uexkülls Theoretischer Biologie, in: Discipline filosofiche 33 (1), 2023 (Focus: Jakob von Uexküll. Biological Theory, Subjectivity and Environment, ed. by V. Rasini), 113-140.
- (2023) Task-free situation as consideration of animals as subjects. Biology in Our Time, 53(3), 227-231.
2.2.2 Contributions in books
- (1998), Life - Science - Philosophy. The processual approach in Bergson, in A. J. Bucher, D. S. Peters (eds.), Evolution in Discourse. Borderline conversations between natural science, philosophy and theology, Series: Eichstätter Studien 39, Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet, 127-153.
- (1998), Organological versus mechanistic bioethics. On specific ethical programs in different theories of life, in E. M. Engels, T. Junker, M. Weingarten (eds.), Ethics in the Life Sciences. History and theory, Berlin: VWB, 41-59.
- (1999), There are different paths through the labyrinth of life. Plea for a pluralistic representation of the organic, in A. Geus, T. Junker, H.-J. Rheinberger, C. Riedl-Dorn, M. Weingarten (eds.), Forms of representation in the biological sciences, Berlin: VWB, 19-35.
- (1999), In the ocean of life. Bergson's philosophy of life in search of the natural order, in R. Elm, K. Köchy, M. Meyer (eds.), Hermeneutics of life. Potentials of the concept of life in the crisis of modernity, Freiburg/Munich: Verlag Karl Alber, 117-154.
- (2000), The Unity of the Individual and its Destruction. A philosophical and life-scientific problem, in: H. Kessler (ed.), Life through destruction? On Suffering in Creation. A conversation of the sciences, Würzburg: echter, 106-141.
- (2001), Organic Perfection - On the Function of the Living in Leibniz' Engagement with the Theodicy Problem, in: H. Poser in conjunction with C. Asmuth, U. Goldenbaum, W. Li (eds.), Nihil sine ratione. Man, nature and technology in the work of G. W. Leibniz. Proceedings of the VII. International Leibniz Congress in Berlin II, Berlin, 620-627.
- (2002), Basic philosophical reflection in bioethics, in: H.-M. Sass, H. Viefhues, M. Zenz (eds.), Medizinethische Materialien. Center for Medical Ethics, Bochum, issue 135, 44 pp.
- (2003), Cells - Organs - Living Beings. Stages of the concept of life, in: W. Schweidler, H. A. Neumann, E. Brysch (eds.), Menschenleben - Menschwürde, Münster/Hamburg/London: LIT Verlag, 225-241.
- (2004), The concept of interaction in Kant, in: H.-W. Ingensiep, H. Baranzke, A. Eusterschulte (eds.), Kant-Reader, What can I know? What should I do? What may I hope? Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 78-106.
- (2005), On the function of the image in the life sciences, in S. Majetschak (ed.), Image-Signs. Perspectives of a science of the image., Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 215-239.
- (2005), Norm and Context, in: P. Dabrock, J. Ried (eds.), Therapeutic Cloning as a Challenge for the Status Determination of the Human Embryo, Paderborn: Mentis, 69-88.
- (2005), The methodology of human genetics. Perceptions, concepts, procedures and models, in: G. Hofmeister (ed.), The dream of the perfect human. Scientific, philosophical and religious foundations of human genetics, Hofgeismarer Protokolle vol.338/2005, 37-55.
- (2006), What can neurobiology not know? Remarks on the framework of a research program, in K. Köchy, D. Stederoth (eds.), Willensfreiheit als interdisziplinäres Problem, Reihe Lebenswissenschaften im Dialog Bd.1, Freiburg/München: Verlag Karl Alber, 145-164.
- (2006), Tailored nanoscale systems. Methodological and ontological considerations, in A. Nordmann, J. Schummer, A. Schwarz (Eds.), Nanotechnologies in context. Philosophical, ethical and societal perspectives, Berlin: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, 131-150.
- (2006), Genetic Manipulation and the Naturalness of Man - Remarks on Habermas, in S.L. Sorgner, H.J. Birx, N. Knoepffler (eds.), Eugenics and the Future, Freiburg/Munich: Verlag Karl Alber, 71-84.
- (2006), Introduction. On the connection between natural philosophy and environmental ethics, in K. Köchy, M. Norwig (eds.), Umwelt-Handeln. On the connection between natural philosophy and environmental ethics, Life Sciences in Dialogue series vol.2, Freiburg/Munich: Verlag Karl Alber, 11-26.
- (2006), The natural philosophical cycle model and its environmental ethical significance, in K. Köchy, M. Norwig (eds.), Umwelt-Handeln. Zum Zusammenhang von Naturphilosophie und Umweltethik, Reihe Lebenswissenschaften im Dialog Bd.2, Freiburg/München: Verlag Karl Alber, 207-231.
- (2007), What is the human being? On the possible consequences of NBIC technologies, in: P. Massing (ed.) Gentechnik. An introduction, Schwalbach/Ts, 82-113.
- (2007), The idea of evolution in Herbert Spencer's philosophy. On the limits of a universalistic conceptual transfer, in: C. Asmuth, H. Poser (eds.), Evolution. Model, method, paradigm, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 53-78.
- (2007), Natural philosophy and contemporary biology. The case study of the debate on the potentiality of cells, in: B. Falkenburg (ed.), Nature - Technology - Culture. Philosophy in interdisciplinary dialogue, Paderborn: Mentis, 111-128.
- (2007), Self-referentiality. The methodological presuppositions of cognitive neuroscience and the problem of freedom, in: J.-C. Heilinger (Ed.), Natural History of Freedom, Human Project Series. Interdisciplinary Anthropology vol.1. commissioned by the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 179-207.
- (2008), How do scientific facts influence moral ideas? in C. Brand, E.-M- Engels, A. Ferrari, L. Kovács (eds.), How does bioethics work? Paderborn: Mentis, 233-254.
- (2008), Concepts of nature and science in environmental ethics. The case study of nature conservation in forests, in U. Herbst, W. Wimmer (eds.), Preserving Europe's Natural Heritage. The forests in the Braunschweig region, symposium under the patronage of the Federal Minister for the Environment Sigmar Gabriel, Braunschweig 2007, 77-83.
- (2008), Contextualist Bioethics. On the role of bioscientific facts in bioethical questions, in: M. Zichy, H. Grimm (eds.), Praxis in der Ethik. Zur Methodenreflexion der anwendungsorientierten Moralphilosophie, Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 153-185.
- (2008), Human nature and the natural sciences, in D. Ganthen, V. Gerhardt, J.-C. Heilinger, J. Nida-Rümelin (eds.), What is the human being? Human Project Series. Interdisciplinary Anthropology vol.3. commissioned by the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 150-154.
- (2008), Conceptualizing living systems in nanobiotechnologies, in K. Köchy, M. Norwig, G. Hofmeister (eds.), Nanobiotechnologies. Philosophical, anthropological and ethical issues, Life Sciences in Dialogue series vol. 4, Freiburg, Munich: Verlag Karl Alber, 175-201.
- (2009), The scientific research program of Romanticism, in B. Frischmann, E. Millán-Zaibert (eds.), The New Light of Early Romanticism. Innovation und Aktualität frühromantischer Philosophie, Paderborn: Schöningh Verlag, 153-169.
- (2009), Philosophy of nature is more than applied philosophy of science, in C. Kummer (ed.), Was ist Naturphilosophie und was kann Sie leisten? Freiburg/Munich: Verlag Karl Alber, 38-56.
- (2009), Alexander von Humboldt's "Nature Painting". On the relationship between art and science, in: A. Schwarz, A. Nordmann (eds.), Das bunte Gewand der Theorie. Fourteen encounters with philosophizing researchers, Freiburg/Munich: Verlag Karl Alber, 71-95.
- (2010), Aristotle and Darwin, in G. Hartung (ed.), Eduard Zeller. History of Philosophy and Science in the 19th Century, Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 189-208.
- (2010), Nature and culture in evolution, in V. Gerhardt, J. Nida-Rümelin (eds.), Evolution in Nature and Culture, Human Project Series. Interdisciplinary Anthropology vol.6. commissioned by the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 39-58.
- (2011), with M. Norwig, From Neuroethics to Neuroanthropology. The question of the human being in the face of current neurotechnologies, in: G. Scharifi (ed.), Do we need a new morality? Challenges to ethics from neuroscience, Paderborn: Mentis, 47-72.
- (2011), Diversity as a value? On the current debate on biodiversity, in: C.F. Gethmann (ed.), Lebenswelt und Wissenschaft. XXI German Congress of Philosophy, German Yearbook of Philosophy, vol. 2, Hamburg: Meiner Verlag, 1227-1248.
- (2011), Construction of life? Manufacturing ideals and feasibility limits in synthetic biology, in V. Gerhardt, K. Lucas, G. Stock (eds.), Evolution - Theory, Forms and Consequences of a Paradigm in Nature, Technology and Culture, Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 233-242.
- (2011), The Construction of the Organic - Biology and Philosophy in Schelling's Lectures, in P. Ziche, G. F. Frigo (eds.),'The Better Direction of the Sciences'. Schellings 'Vorlesungen über die Methode des akademischen Studiums' als Wissenschafts- und Uiversitätsprogramm, Reihe Schellingiana 25, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: frommann-holzboog, 315-342.
- (2011), The human being in the context of birth and death. The medical concepts of Carl Gustav Carus and Rudolf Virchow, in: D. Stederoth, T. Hoyer (eds.), Der Mensch in der Medizin. Cultures and Concepts, Life Sciences in Dialogue Series vol.13, Freiburg/Munich: Verlag Karl Alber, 137-160.
- (2012), On the relationship between nature and technology in synthetic biology, in J. Boldt, O. Müller, G. Maio (eds.), Creating life? Philosophical and ethical reflections on synthetic biology, Paderborn: Mentis, 155-175.
- (2012), Are Hans Jonas' reflections on the special status of biological technology still tenable in light of developments in synthetic biology?, in M. Gadebusch-Bondio, H. Siebenpfeiffer (eds.), Concepts of the Human. Ethical and Cultural Challenges, Life Sciences in Dialogue Series vol.14, Freiburg/Munich: Verlag Karl Alber, 81-102.
- (2012), What is synthetic biology?, in K. Köchy, A. Hümpel (eds.), Synthetic Biology, Dornburg: Forum W, 33-50.
- (2012), Philosophical implications of synthetic biology, in: K. Köchy, A. Hümpel (eds.), Synthetic Biology, Dornburg: Forum W, 137-161.
- (2013), with G. Hartung and J.C. Schmidt, Introduction, in: G. Hartung, K. Köchy, J. Schmidt, G. Hofmeister (eds.), Naturphilosophie als Grundlage der Naturethik. On the topicality of Hans Jonas, Freiburg/Munich: Verlag Karl Alber, 9-23.
- (2013), From natural philosophy to natural ethics. On the approach of Hans Jonas, in G. Hartung, K. Köchy, J. Schmidt, G. Hofmeister (eds.), Naturphilosophie als Grundlage der Naturethik. On the topicality of Hans Jonas, Freiburg/Munich: Verlag Karl Alber, 27-53.
- (2013) Osservazione ('Observation'), in F. Michelini, J. Davies (eds.), Frontiere della Biologia. Perspettive filosofiche sulle scienze della vita (Frontiers of biology. Philosophical perspectives on the life sciences), Milano, Udine: Mimesis, 279-294.
- (2014), Constructed nature? Case study on synthetic biology, in G. Hartung, T. Kirchhoff (eds.), Welche Natur brauchen wir? Analysis of a basic anthropological problem of the 21st century, Freiburg/Munich: Verlag Karl Alber, 299-316.
- (2014), Syntheses. On the concept and limits of synthetic biology, in J.S. Ach, B. Lüttenberg, M. Quante (eds.), wissen. leben. ethik. Topics and positions in bioethics, Münster: Mentis, 315-331.
- (2015), Plessner's biophilosophy as an extension of Uexküll's program, in K. Köchy, F. Michelini (eds.), Between Cultures. Plessner's stages of the organic in a contemporary historical context, Freiburg/Munich: Verlag Karl Alber, 32 pp.
- (2016) Organisms and Machines. The historical case study of the Plessner, Driesch, and Köhler debate, in G. Toepfer, F. Michelini (eds.), Organisms. The explanation of liveliness, Freiburg/Munich: Verlag Karl Alber, pp. 163-188.
- (2016) 'Scientist in Action. Jean Henri Fabre's research program, in M. Böhnert, K. Köchy, M. Wunsch (eds.), Philosophy of Animal Research, vol. 1: Methods and Programs, Freiburg/Munich: Verlag Karl Alber, 81-148.
- (2016) (with M. Wunsch) On methodological aspects of the philosophy of animal research based on Jean-Henri Fabre and Henri Bergson, in Forschungsschwerpunkt Tier-Mensch-Gesellschaft (ed.), Den Fährten folgen. Methods of interdisciplinary animal research, Bielefeld: Transkript, 73-87.
- (2016) (with M. Wunsch, M. Böhnert) Introduction: philosophy of animal research. The methodological signature of research programs, in M. Böhnert, K. Köchy, M. Wunsch (eds.), Philosophy of Animal Research, vol. 1: Methods and Programs, Freiburg/Munich: Verlag Karl Alber, 9-20.
- (2016) (with M. Wunsch, M. Böhnert) Introduction: philosophy of animal research. Cultural and ethical dimensions of methodological animal-human interactions, in K. Köchy, M. Wunsch, M. Böhnert (eds.), Philosophy of Animal Research, Volume 2: Maxims and Consequences, Freiburg/Munich: Verlag Karl Alber, 9-24.
- (2016) (with T. Kirchhoff) Introduction: diversity as category, finding and norm. Conceptual and ideological foundations of the current biodiversity debate, in T. Kirchhoff, K. Köchy (eds.), Wünschenswerte Vielheit, Freiburg/München: Verlag Karl Alber, 9-22.
- (2016) The value of multiplicity in Henri Bergson, in T. Kirchhoff, K. Köchy (eds.), Wünschenswerte Vielheit, Freiburg/München: Verlag Karl Alber, 217-242
- (2016) Death in the Laboratory. On the dialectic of method and life, in A. Joachimides, I. Müllner, S. Milling, Y. Thöne (eds.), Opfer -Beute - Hauptgericht. Animal killing in interdisciplinary discourse, Bielefeld: Transkript, 265-289.
- (2016) Recognizing and experiencing. On the historical development of research programs in neuroscience, in S. Schaede, R. Anselm, K. Köchy (eds.), Life. Historical-systematic studies on the history of a concept, vol.3, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 357-400.
- (2016) Organisms, Genes, Populations. From Aristotle to current biophilosophy, in G. Heinemann, R. Timme (eds.), Aristotle and Modern Biology. Comparative studies, Freiburg/Munich: Verlag Karl Alber, 125-142.
- (2017) (with M. Gerhard, N. C. Karafyllis, G. Hartung) Introduction, in T. Kirchhoff, N. C. Karafyllis, D. Evers, B. Falkenburg, M. Gerhard, G. Hartung, J. Hübner, K. Köchy, U. Krohs, T. Potthast, O. Schäfer, G. Schiemann, M. Schlette, R. Schulz, F. Vogelsang (eds.), Naturphilosophie. Ein Lehr- und Studienbuch, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck (UTB), 1-3.
- (2017) 'Struggle' for natural philosophy, in T. Kirchhoff, N. C. Karafyllis, D. Evers, B. Falkenburg, M. Gerhard, G. Hartung, J. Hübner, K. Köchy, U. Krohs, T. Potthast, O. Schäfer, G. Schiemann, M. Schlette, R. Schulz, F. Vogelsang (eds.), Naturphilosophie. Ein Lehr- und Studienbuch, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck (UTB), 57-65.
- (2017) Of wolves, dogs, and men. On the role of natural philosophy in animal ethics, in T. Kirchhoff, N. C. Karafyllis, D. Evers, B. Falkenburg, M. Gerhard, G. Hartung, J. Hübner, K. Köchy, U. Krohs, T. Potthast, O. Schäfer, G. Schiemann, M. Schlette, R. Schulz, F. Vogelsang (eds.), Naturphilosophie. Ein Lehr- und Studienbuch, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck (UTB), 303-312.
- (2017) (with F. Michelini) Hans Jonas and the Actuality of the Integrative Model of Biophilosophy, in J. Nielsen-Sikora, J.-S. Gordon (eds.), Hans Jonas. Towards a discussion of his ways of thinking, Series: Hans Jonas, Berlin: Logos, 111-135.
- (2018) From the ecology of research to research environments. Conditions and possibilities of an extended reading of the interrelation between researchers and their 'research objects' in animal research, in M. Wunsch, M. Böhnert, K. Köchy (eds.), Philosophy of Animal Research, vol. 3, Milieus and Actors, Freiburg/Munich: Verlag Karl Alber, 25-92.
- (2019) Dogmatizing reverie? On the Claims and Impact of Romantic Philosophy of Nature, in S. Matuschek, S. Kerschbaumer (eds.), Recognizing Romanticism - Finding Models, Paderborn: Schöningh, 59-85.
- (2020) Uexküll's Legacy - biological reception and biophilosophical impact, in: F. Michelini, K. Köchy (eds.), Uexkülland Philosophy. Life, Environments, Anthropology, Series: History and Philosophy of Biology, Oxford: Routledge, 52-69.
- (2020, in press) Natural Philosophy from 1840-1870, in G. Hartung (ed.), The Philosophy of the 19th Century, Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie, vol. 2/1-3: Germany 1830-1870, Basel: Schwabe Verlag, 30 pp.
(2022) Biology as an Understanding Science. On the reception of Goethe's morphology in Kurt Goldstein's 'Der Aufbau des Organismus', in R. Müller, R. Becker, S. Freyberg, T. Reinhardt, M. van Vliet, & M. Wunsch (eds.), Morphology as a Paradigm in the Sciences. Beiheft 3, Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, 251-281.
(2023) Biology as the connection of objective processes with subjective phenomena. Zum Kantbezug von Uexkülls Theoretischer Biologie, in: Discipline filosofiche 33 (1), 2023 (Focus: Jakob von Uexküll. Biological Theory, Subjectivity and Environment, ed. by V. Rasini), 113-140.
(2023) Debate on Natural Philosophy, in: G. Hartung (ed.), The Philosophy of the 19th Century. Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie, vol. 1/2: Deutschsprachiger Raum 1830-1870, Basel: Schwabe Verlag, 234-273.
3. encyclopedia articles
- (2010), Nature, Culture, in P. Sarasin, M. Sommer (eds.), Evolution. An interdisciplinary handbook, Stuttgart: Metzler, 38-42.
- (2010), Field, observation, in: P. Sarasin, M. Sommer (eds.), Evolution. An interdisciplinary handbook, Stuttgart: Metzler, 167-171.
- (2010), Laboratory, experiment, in: P. Sarasin, M. Sommer (eds.), Evolution .An interdisciplinary handbook, Stuttgart: Metzler, 171-175.
- (2012), Nature, in: R. Konersmann (ed.), Handbuch Kulturphilosophie, Stuttgart: Metzler, 227-233.
- (2014) with S. Domasch, B. Fehse, Gene therapy, in: C. Lenk, G. Duttge, H. Fangerau (eds.), Handbuch Ethik und Recht der Forschung am Menschen, Berlin: Springer. DOI: 427-431. 10.1007/978-3-642-35099-3_70
- (2016) 'Nature/environment', in K. Ott, J. Dierks, L. Voget-Kleschin (eds.), Handbook of Environmental Ethics, Stuttgart: Metzler, 20-25.
- (2017) 'Field', in M. Sommer, S. Müller-Wille, C. Reinhardt (eds.), Handbuch Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Stuttgart: Metzler, 255-265.
- (2021) Lemma 'natural science', in M. Bongardt, H. Burckhart, J. S. Gordon, J. Nielsen-Sikora (eds.), Hans Jonas Handbuch. Leben - Werk - Wirkung, Berlin: Metzler, 64-68.
- (2021) Lemma 'Romantic philosophy of nature', in OEPN, Online Encyclopedia Philosophy of Nature, 19 pp.
4. reviews
- (1995), The laws of the great machine of the organic world. Carl Friedrich Kielmeyer: Über die Verhältniße der organischen Kräfte unter einander in der Reihe der verschiedenen Organisationen, die Geseze und Folgen dieser Verhältniße (1793), in: Journal for General Philosophy of Science 26, 191-198.
- (1996), K. Wenig, Rudolf Virchow and Emil du Bois-Reymond. Correspondence 1864-1894, in Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (1), 70-73.
- (1999), The tortuous path of evolutionary thought: E.-M. Engels (ed.), The reception of evolutionary theories in the 19th century, in Journal for General Philosophy of Science 30 (2), 379-388.
- (2006), Olaf Breidbach, Images of Knowledge. On the cultural history of scientific perception, in: Biospektrum 12 (1), 2006, 50-52.
- (2006), In what light must all of nature appear to us? New publications on the topicality and problems of a philosophy of nature in the classical sense, in: Philosophische Rundschau 53 (1), 34-44.
- (2008), Peter Propping, Stefan Aretz, Johannes Schumacher, Jochen Taupitz, Jens Guttmann, Bert Heinrichs, Predictive Genetic Testing. Scientific, Ethical and Legal Aspects; Martin Heyer, Hans-Georg Dederer, Preimplantation Diagnostics, Embryo Research, Therapeutic Cloning; Thomas Heinemann, Jens Kersten, Stem Cell Research. Scientific, ethical and legal aspects, in Biospektrum 14 (5), 556-557.
- (2009), Kurt Bayertz, Myriam Gerhard, Walter Jaeschke (eds.), Weltanschauung, Philosophie und Naturwissenschaft im 19. Jahrhundert, Hamburg 2007, 3 vols. in: Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 32 (3), 301-303.
- (2011), Bernd Hüppauf, Of the Frog. A cultural history between animal philosophy and ecology, Bielefeld 2011, in: Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 34 (4), 2011, 379-382.
- (2014), Maurizio Esposito, Romantic Biology, 1890-1945, London 2013, in: Reports on the History of Science 37 (2), 2014, 176-178. DOI: 10.1002/bewi.201401692
- (2015) The philosophy of animals between social design and metaphysics (collective review: P. Cavalieri, The Death of the Animal; T. Cheung, Organisms. Agents Between Inner and Outer Worlds 1780-1860; J. Derrida, The Animal I Am Therefore; S. Donaldson, W. Kymlicka, Zoopolis. A Political Theory of Animal Rights; H. Grimm, C. Otterstedt (eds.), The Animal Itself; K. P. Liessmann (ed.), Animals. Man and his nature; F. Schmitz (ed.), Animal ethics), in Philosophische Rundschau 62 (4), 2015, 277-290. DOI: 10.1628/003181513X660000.
- (2019) Book Review: Russell Winslow, Organism and Environment. Inheritance and Subjectivity in the Life Sciences, in History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 41 (3), 2019, 29-32. DOI: 10.1007/s40656-019-0267-9.
- (2019) Intelligent mules are also worth considering. The totality of nature in mind and the abundance of facts to be explored on the trail. On the occasion of the approaching 250th birthday of Alexander von Humboldt, an edition of "Sämtlicher Schriften" will be published, in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 16.08.2018.
Nature and Technology in Synthetic Biology.
Held as part of the lecture series 'Concepts of the Human' at the Department of Ethics, Theory and History of Life Sciences, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University Greiswald (organized by Prof. M. Gadebusch-Bondio), Greifswald.
Biophilosophical Foundations.
Held in the context of the conference. Vom Gen zur Ethik - Wissen und Verantwortung in den Biowissenschaften' at the Institute of Cultural Studies (organization: Prof. Dr. L. Heidbrink, Prof. Dr. H.-W. Ingensiep), Essen.
Philosophy of nature between natural science and philosophy of science.
Held at the inaugural meeting of the working group "Philosophy of Nature" of the FEST Heidelberg (organization PD Dr. Gerald Hartung), Heidelberg.
From Being to Shall. How does natural philosophy get to environmental ethics?
Held in the context of the theme day 'Which nature should we protect? On the Relationship between Philosophy of Nature and Environmental Ethics', Theme Day of the Institute of Philosophy (organization K. Köchy), University of Kassel.
Man in the Contexts of Birth and Death. On the medical concepts of Carl Gustav Carus and Rudolf Virchow.
Held in the context of a conference 'Der Mensch in der Medizin. Cultures and Concepts' (organization Dr. D. Stederoth, Dr. M. Hulverscheidt, Prof. Dr. T. Hoyer) at the University of Kassel.
Do Hans Jonas' determinations of bioengineering also apply to synthetic biology?
Held at the annual conference of the Center for Bioethics, Westfälische Wilhelms University Münster (organization Dr. J. Ach), Münster.
Sept. 16-17.
Constructing life? Manufacturing ideals and feasibility limits in synthetic biology.
Delivered at the interdisciplinary conference and exhibition "Life 3.0 and the Future of Evolution" at the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Günter Stock), Berlin.
Jun 17,
The Philosophy of Nature and Natural Ethics in Hans Jonas.
Delivered at the conference "Responsibility for Life. Zur Aktualität von Hans Jonas" at the Evangelische Akademie Hofgeismar (organization Dr. G. Hofmeister, Prof. G. Hartung, Wuppertal, Prof. J. C. Schmidt, Darmstadt, K. Köchy, Kassel), Hofgeismar.
Plural Natures. On the connection between natural philosophy and environmental ethics.
Delivered at the Inaugural Lecture of the Gustav Radbruch Network at Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel.
Life and Technology. Reflections on Synthetic Biology
Held at TU Dortmund University (organization Prof. Dr. Dr. B. Falkenburg).
Constructed Nature? The case study of synthetic biology.
Held at the conference "Welche Natur brauchen wir? Anthropological Dimensions of Dealing with Nature" at FEST Heidelberg (organized by Prof. Dr. G. Hartung, Wuppertal, Dr. T. Kirchhoff, Heidelberg), Heidelberg.
Biology as Engineering Science. On synthetic biology.
Held at the Academy Lecture "Gentechnologie im Spannungsfeld" of the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, Berlin.
Dec. 06-08.
Organisms and Machines. The historical case study of the debate of Plessner, Driesch and Köhler.
Presented at the conference "Organism" as part of the subproject Transformations of the Living of the Cluster of Excellence Transformations of Antiquity (organization Dr. F. Michelini), Berlin.
Thing, Being, Self. Plessner's response to the machine theory of the living.
Presented at the workshop "Normativity of the Living" (organization Prof. Dr. Christian Bermes, Koblenz, Prof. Dr. Rösl, Heidelberg) German Cancer Research Center Heidelberg (DKFZ), Heidelberg.
April 18.
Construction of life - a realistic scenario? On the possibilities of synthetic biology.
Held in the context of the event series Sciences in Dialogue of the Evangelical Forum, Kassel.
May 16.
Synthetic Biology. Framework assumptions of a research program.
Held at the International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities, Tübingen.
Sep 27.
Living machines? On the entanglement of technology concept and life model in synthetic biology.
Delivered at the final event of the BMBF-funded ELSA project "Engineering Life - An interdisciplinary approach to the Ethics of Synthetic Biology" (Coordination Dr. J. Boldt) Institute for Ethics and History of Medicine, University of Freiburg.
Oct. 12.
Creative Diversity in Henri Bergson.
Delivered at the conference "Desirable Diversity" at the Forschungsstätte der evangelischen Studiengemeinschaft e.V., Heidelberg (organization Dr. T. Kirchhoff, Heidelberg; K. Köchy, Kassel).
Jan. 30.
Natural/Synthetic, Dialogue with Prof. Dr. M. Budisa, Chemistry, TU Berlin.
Held in the event series "Synthetic Biology in Dialog" (organization: Prof. Dr. F. Vogt, SYNMIKRO, University of Marburg), University of Marburg.
(together with PD Dr. M. Wunsch) On methodological aspects of animal research based on Jean Henri Fabre and Henri Bergson.
Presented at the methodological workshop of the LOEWE research focus 'Animal - Human - Society', University of Kassel.
Feb. 10.
Between Physics and Psychology. Philosophical on methodological programs in behavioral biology.
Held in the lecture series 'What is life? Physics meets Biology' (organization: Prof. Dr. Dr. R. Breuninger, University of Ulm), University of Ulm.
What is Biophilosophy? On the integration of a philosophy of biology and a natural philosophy of the organic.
Delivered at the second Biophilosophical School: Philosophy of Biology - Natural Philosophy of the Organic International event at the University of Padua funded by the program 'University Dialogue with Southern Europe' by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (Organization: K. Köchy, Dr. F. Michelini, University of Kassel; Prof. Dr. L. Illetterati University of Padua), Padua.
Apr 08,
(with Dr. F. Michelini) Hans Jonas and Biophilosophy.
Delivered at the conference 'Zur Aktualität von Hans Jonas' at the Hans Jonas Institute, University of Siegen.
Dec 09.
Protecting Biodiversity - A Philosophical Perspective.
Delivered at the Humboldt Study Center, University of Ulm.
On the topicality and biophilosophical reference of Bergson's L'Évolution créatrice.
Delivered at the conference "The Philosophy of Life between France and Germany" (organization O. Agard, Paris-Sorbonne IV, G. Hartung, Bergische Universität Wuppertal), Bergische Universität Wuppertal.
May 11.
Dogmatizing Reverie? On the claim and effect of romantic natural philosophy.
Held at the colloquium program of the graduate program 'Modell Romantik', University of Jena.
Feb. 16.
Helmuth Plessner's Biophilosophy. The sphere-theoretical approach.
Delivered at the conference "Natural Artificiality" (organization T. Kirchhoff, M. Schlette, F. Michelini, K. Köchy), FEST, Heidelberg.
Research Environments of Animal Research. Methodological and ethical implications.
Delivered at the conference "Do cultural studies need an animal turn? Theoretical Foundations and Conceptual Problems of Human Animal Studies" (organization G. Gersmann, Cologne, F. Jaeger, Essen), Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut, Essen.
Biology and Biophilosophy in Hans Jonas.
Delivered at the International Hans Jonas Conference (organization M. Bongart, H. Burckhart, J. Nielsen-Sikora, Siegen), University of Siegen.
Research Environments. The case study of Köhler's monkey research.
Delivered at the Fourth Forum of the History of Life Sciences (organization R. Meunier, C. Reiß, C. Brandt), Ruhr University Bochum.
Apr. 11,
(co-authored with Francesca Michelini): The Holistic Program of Alexander von Humboldt's Cosmos and its Resonance in the 21st Century.
Delivered at the international conference "Cosmos in the 21st Century", Convegno Nationale/Humboldt Kolleg, Associatione Italiana Alexander von Humboldt (organization G. de Angelis, A. Beccarisi, C. Borri, M. Foschi Albert, F. Gianturco, G. Gioa, S. Poggi, G. Ruosso, L. Sturlese), Villa Vigoni, Loveno di Menaggio, Italy.
Oct 09,
The Exemplary in Kurt Goldstein's Doctrine of the Organism.
Presented at the conference "Exemplarität als humanwissenschaftlicher Denktyp. A philosophical-pedagogical symposium" (organization H. Mertens), University of Würzburg.
Dec 06,
Kurt Goldstein's Holistic Biology.
Delivered at the workshop "Philosophy and Ethics of Biology" (organization T. Potthast), IZEW University of Tübingen.
Jan 09,
Goldstein's holistic biology in context.
Held at Ruhr University Bochum, Institute of Philosophy (organization Pulte), RUB Bochum.
Sep 14.
Speculation matters. Actual relevance of speculative natural philosophy
Held at the kick-off conference "Challenges for sustainability research", University of Kassel.
Task-free situations: Investigating organisms in their contexts.
Delivered at the conference "The Place of Organism in Biology and Medicine" (organization J. Baedke), RUB Bochum.
Jan. 11.
Animals in Soul. Environments and networks of animal psychology.
Held in the context of a book review (organization M. Summa), University of Würzburg.
Feb 08.
Expressive Gestalts. Sensuousness
Held at the conference "Normative and Descriptive Dimensions of Cultural Philosophy" (organization J. Bohr, H. König, T. Steinbach), Bergische Universität Wuppertal.
Which nature should we protect?
On the Relationship between Philosophy of Nature and Environmental Ethics Theme day of the Institute of Philosophy - Theoretical Philosophy, University of Kassel in cooperation with the scholarship focus "Environmental Ethics" of the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt Coordination via the professorship for environmental ethics at the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University of Greifswald Organization: Prof. Dr. Dr. K. Köchy University of Kassel, Holländischer Platz, Gießhaus, 10.00-13.30 [Press echo].
Responsibility for Life. On the topicality of Hans Jonas.
Conference at the Evangelische Akademie Hofgeismar in cooperation with the Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen Studiengemeinschaft FEST (Heidelberg, Prof. Dr. G. Hartung), the Hochschule Darmstadt (Prof. Dr. J. Schmidt) and the Evangelische Akademie Hofgeismar (Dr. G. Hoffmeister), Location: Hofgeismar.
Desirable Diversity. Diversity as category, finding and norm.
Conference at the Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen Studiengemeinschaft eV., Heidelberg (organization, K. Köchy, Dr. T. Kirchhoff, Heidelberg) sponsored by the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, location: Heidelberg.
First Biophilosophical School. 'Animal-Human Relations.
International event at the University of Kassel funded by the program 'University Dialogue with Southern Europe' by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (organization K. Köchy, Dr. F. Michelini, University of Kassel) with the participation of researchers and young scholars from Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy), Università della Calabria (Italy), Università degli Studi di Trento (Italy) and A. Ferrari (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), P. Kunzmann (Jena/Hannover), M. Wild (Basel), Location: Kassel.
Animal - Human - Behavior
Interdisciplinary conference together with the Helmuth Plessner Society (organization PD Dr. M. Wunsch, Dr. F. Michelini, K. Köchy, University of Kassel) with the participation of R. Becker (Ulm), B. Benzig (Kassel), F. Brosow (Mainz), J. v. Buuren (Potsdam), J. Fischer (Dresden), T. Fuchs (Heidelberg), C. Hilbert (Kassel), U. Knierim (Kassel), F. Michelini (Kassel), V. Schürmann (Cologne), V. Sommer (London), G. Toepfer (Berlin), M. Wunsch (Kassel).
Second Biophilosophical School: philosophy of biology - natural philosophy of the organic.
International event at the University of Padua funded by the program 'University Dialogue with Southern Europe' by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (organization K. Köchy, Dr. F. Michelini, University of Kassel; Prof. Dr. L. Illetterati (Padua) with students, young scholars and researchers from the Universities of Kassel and Padua as well as R. Becker (Ulm), E. Casetta (Lisbon), P. Huneman (Paris I), T. Pievani (Padua), F. Suman (Padua), G. Toepfer (Berlin).
Mechanism and Autonomy in Biology.
International Workshop, University of Kassel (organization Dr. F. Michelini, K. Köchy) with the collaboration of A. Moreno (Pais Vasco, Spain), D. Nicholson (Exeter, UK), L. Moss (Exeter, UK).
Natural artificiality I. Plessner's basic anthropological law - logic and interpretive power.
Symposium in cooperation with the Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen Studiengemeinschaft (FEST), Heidelberg (organization PD. Dr. Thomas Kirchhoff, PD Dr. Magnus Schlette, K. Köchy, Dr. Francesca Michelini), Venue: Heidelberg; with the collaboration of R. Becker (Koblenz/Landau), J. de Mul (Rotterdam), T. Ebke (Potsdam), J. Fischer (Dresden), C. Hilbert (Kassel), K. Köchy (Kassel), H.-P- Krüger (Potsdam), F. Michelini (Kassel), O. Mitscherlich-Schönherr (Munich), V. Schürmann (Cologne), M. Wunsch (Ulm/Kassel).
Natural Artificiality II. Challenges of Philosophical Anthropology
Symposium in cooperation with the Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen Studiengemeinschaft (FEST), Heidelberg (organization K. Köchy, Dr. Francesca Michelini, PD Dr. Thomas Kirchhoff, PD Dr. Magnus Schlette), venue: Kassel; with the collaboration of M. Hampe (Zurich), N. C. Karafyllis (Braunschweig), V. Krech (Bochum), G. Lindemann (Oldenburg), J. Manemann (Hannover), T. Wesche (Erfurt).
Haeckel's ambivalent legacy. Biology, politics and natural philosophy.
Symposium at the Leopoldina. Academy of Sciences. Center for the Study of Science (organization Dr. Thomas Bach, Jena; prof. Dr. Christina Brandt, Jena; prof. Dr. Heiner Fangerau, Düsseldorf, K. Köchy), Halle.
To externally funded projects
LOEWE focus
Participation with two subprojects on the animal-human-relationship at the LOEWE-focus Animal-Human-Society. Approaches of an interdisciplinary animal research.
Project 1: (Dr. Francesca Michelini) Methodological Mediations. The relationship between animals and humans considering the methodological approaches of animal research. Responsible: Prof. Dr. Dr. Kristian Köchy. Project leader: Dr. Francesca Michelini
Project 2: On the methodology and methodology of research on the welfare of farm animals. Responsible: Prof. Dr. Ute Knierim, Prof. Dr. Dr. Kristian Köchy. Project supervisors: Birgit Benzing, Christopher Hilbert
Project: Personal Life Form and Objective Mind. Foundations of an anthropological philosophy of mind; Responsible: PD Dr. Matthias Wunsch (WU 599/2-1, AOBJ: 609198).
Project: First Biophilosophical School "Animal-Human Relationship" within the DAAD funding program 'University Dialogue with Southern Europe' (November 2013), partner institutions: Università della Calabria, Dipartimento di filosofia; Università di Trento, CIMEC (Centre for Mind/Brain Sciences); Università degli Studi di Torino, Dipartimento di filosofia, Labont (Laboratory for Ontology); Università degli Studi di Padova. Responsible: Prof. Dr. Dr. Kristian Köchy, Dr. Francesca Michelini Project: second biophilosophical school "Philosophy of Biology - Natural Philosophy of the Organic" at the University of Padova in the framework of the DAAD funding program 'University Dialogue with Southern Europe' (April 2015), partner institution Università degli Studi di Padova, responsible: Prof. Dr. Dr. Kristian Köchy, Prof. Dr. Luca Illeterati, Dr. Francesca Michelini
- 09.01.2008
Alexander von Humboldt, lecture in the context of the lecture series "Naturforschung zur Sprache gebracht: Philosophieren in den Wissenschaften" in the winter semester 2008/09 at the TU Darmstadt, on the website of the philosophical elearning project"audioreader®" of the Institute of Philosophy at the TU Darmstadt. - 21.06.2009
Interview in "Biopolitik und Lebensschutz" (radio broadcast of 21.06.09), broadcast series: Studio Nordwest | Nordwestradio, radiobremen.[Audio] - 02.09.2010
Interview in "The Artificial Cell. Ethical debate about latest research in biotechnology" (radio broadcast of 02.09.2010, P. Leusch), broadcast series: Studiozeit - Aus Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften, Deutschlandfunk.[Interview.] - 17.09.2010
Lecture: Konstruktion von Leben? Manufacturing Ideals and Feasibility Limits in Synthetic Biology at the interdisciplinary conference "Life 3.0 and the Future of Evolution" of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences. - 21.09.2010
Interview in "Life 3.0: Conference on the Biological Future of Humans",[Program]. - 2010/09/23
Interview in "Life 3.0. and the Future of Evolution. Discussion on synthetic biology" (radio broadcast of 23.09.2010, B. Mittelstrass), broadcast series: Studiozeit - Aus Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften, Deutschlandfunk.[Interview.] - 16.01.2013
Synthetic Biology Contribution in "IQ Wissenschaft-und Forschung" on Bayern 2. - 09.02.2017
Radio interview on Deutschlandradio Kultur, feature "Cripr die neue SuperGenschere. Does Cripr make evolution a discontinued model?" (Lydia Heller), broadcast series: Zeitfragen. Link to page. - 22.03.2018
Radio report on the research approach to "research environments" using the case study of Wolfgang Köhler's primate experiments in Deutschlandfunk, Forschung aktuell "Tierisch objektiv? A cultural studies analysis of animal experiments" (Martin Hubert). Link to page. - 09.01.2008
Alexander von Humboldt, lecture in the context of the lecture series "Naturforschung zur Sprache gebracht: Philosophieren in den Wissenschaften" in the winter semester 2008/09 at the TU Darmstadt, on the website of the philosophical elearning project "audioreader®" of the Institute of Philosophy at the TU Darmstadt. Link to the lecture.