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He­knows­nis as le­ben­di­ge Ver­samm­lung - Goe­thes Mor­pho­lo­gie as epis­te­mo­lo­gi­sches Leit­bild for Ernst Cas­si­rer and Kurt Gold­stein  

Supervision: Prof. Dr. Dr. Kristian Köchy  

Funding: PhD scholarship of the Otto-Braun-Fonds (since April 2021) 

Field: Theoretical Philosophy ( 

  • Philosophy of Nature and Epistemology 
  • Philosophy of Romanticism, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 
  • Philosophical reception studies, Goethe reception in the 20th century 
  • Scientific collaboration between Ernst Cassirer and Kurt Goldstein 
  • Victoria-Katharina Martinelli (2022) Cassirer - Goldstein - Goethe: Morphological model and concepts of cognition. Lecture at the colloquium on the history of science at the Ernst-Haeckel-Haus in Jena(see here)
  • Victoria-Katharina Martinelli (2021) Dialogue between Cassirer & Goldstein. Philosophical theorizing meets medical research on pathologies. Lecture in the context of the research seminarIntegrative Biophilosophyat the University of Kassel
  • Victoria-Katharina Martinelli (2021) Catching a glimpse of the interior of nature - review of Alfred Schmidt's "Goethes herrlich leuchtende Natur. Philosophical study of the German late Enlightenment".(see here)
  • Victoria-Katharina Martinelli and Salvatore Martinelli (2020) Gerontology and the Humanities - Perspectives for Historical Ageing Studies and Approaches to Gerontological Medievistics (04.11. - 06.11.2019). Conference report for the German Historical Institute in Rome.(see here)
  • Antje Thon (2015) Student Victoria-Katharina Martinelli researched the youngest Grimm brother. Newspaper article on research on Ludwig Emil Grimm(see here)