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Bonjour Tristesse - Literary Scandal and Global Success

Radio play with music by Jörg Achim Keller and the HR Big Band

Seventeen-year-old Cécile spends the summer on the French Riviera with her father Raymond and his young mistress Elsa; they lead a life of moderate debauchery. Raymond, a widower, pleases women and vice versa, and Cécile enjoys accompanying him. They live together into the day, enjoying the sparkle of night and the sunshine of day. By the sea, Cécile soon meets a young man she likes, and she begins to flirt with him as one can only flirt by the sea, in the heat of the south. So the vacation days promise to be entertaining, cheerful and intoxicating...

With Elisa Schlott, Michael Rotschopf, Karin Hanczewski, Bettina Engelhardt, Kilian Land and Wolfram Koch.

Radio play adaptation & Directed by Ulrich Lampen

Here you can find "Bonjour Tristesse" in the ARD Audiothek (online or in the app):

or in the podcast on,epg-hoerspiel-854.html