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07/05/2022 | Study

Culture and Economics B.A. and M.A. students and from the Spanish / French minor: Actively shape the Institute of Romance Studies now!

The Institute of Romance Studies will evaluate all study programs in the next few months in order to develop them further. For this we ask for your perspective! Therefore, we cordially invite you to a personal interview , where you can share your experiences in your studies and discuss suggestions for improvement. This is your chance to actively shape Romance Studies! Central points of the interview(approx. 15 min) are, among others, your motives for studying, your current course of studies and related hurdles, your experiences from the digital semesters as well as support offers on the part of the institute. 

We urge all students to participate in these conversations!

In order to keep the organization as simple as possible for you, discussion appointments are offered in presence and digital . Please book yourself a binding appointment via the following link:

The talks will already take place from July 4 . If you are unable to attend a booked appointment, please cancel it in time via the appointment scheduler so that it can be rescheduled.

In addition to the interviews  you are welcome toshare your thoughts via this padlet

Feel free to share further thoughts and impulses or vote on the suggestions of your fellow students.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact the Booster Romance Studies team at: romanistik[at]uni-kassel[dot]de 

Thank you very much for your help!

We look forward to hearing from you, 

Annika Rink & Valentina Roether


PS: By the way: We will raffle off a total of ten spirit and culture bags among all participants :) Curious? Then book an appointment quickly!