Study Workshop

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This study workshop is ...

  • first and foremost a meeting space
  • a place where materials for religious education can be found
  • a place that provides inspiration for exemplary teaching through available materials and special equipment
  • a place that promotes independent, productive and creative learning
  • a place for testing, developing, and creating learning materials for differentiated instruction
  • a place where didactic-methodical consultation takes place
  • a place where workshops take place

The study workshop is aimed at all...

  • Students,
    • who want to intensify the practical relevance in their studies,
    • who are looking for help and stimulation for their practical school studies or the block internship.
  • teachers and trainee teachers,
    • who are looking for new impulses for discovery teaching.
    • who want to get to grips with new learning materials.
    • who are looking for materials and suggestions for religious education.

The study workshop offers materials for a creative, discovering and action-oriented religious education such as:

  • Learning boxes on various topics
  • Godly Play material
  • Free work material for the development of Jesus units
  • Picture cards on biblical stories
  • Color transparencies for the OHP on the topic of Jesus, Judaism and Buddhism, on church history and other topics

But also ...

  • specialized literature,
  • books on religious education,
  • examination papers and
  • written lesson plans

... are available for research work as well as for inspiration.