11/29/2022 | Kunst und Ökonomien

35 years of IAG Frau­en- und Ge­schlech­ter­for­schung at the University of Kas­sel

Anniversary celebration on November 29 at the Campus Center

The IAG Frau­en- und Ge­schlech­ter­­­for­schung invites you to the anniversary event  "35 Jahre IAG Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung an der Universität Kassel - Feierlicher Empfang und Tag der offenen Tür” on 29.11.2022 starting at 18:30 in the Campus Center (Lecture Hall 4/R 1124).

After greetings from Prof. Dr. Sonja Buckel (Vice President of the University of Kassel) and others, we will take a look back at 35 years of IAG Women's and Gender Studies as well as a look ahead to the future.

At the round table "Gender Studies in Changing Times and Society", Prof. Dr. Mi You, Dr. Christine M. Klapeer, Prof. Dr. Mechthild Bereswill, PD Dr. Mieke Roscher and representatives of the Autonomous Queer* Unit will discuss among others.

Afterwards we are looking forward to a common exchange over sparkling wine and finger food.

We are looking forward to a numerous reunion after two digital Corona years, and to getting to know new colleagues and students. Feel free to bring interested parties!

For better planning, please register without obligation at geschlechterforschung[at]uni-kassel[dot]de.

Further information