12/18/2022 | Kunst und Ökonomien

Tactics of Out-of-placeness • Тактики неуместности

Conference in Tashkent | 18/12/22

On December 18 in Tashkent, a conference “Tactics of Out-of-placeness: Empires and Their Other” will be held. The event is dedicated to an analysis of post-, de-, and neo-colonial processes that define the current state of Central Eurasia

The thematic field of the conference covers the issues of gender, identity, ecology, geography, art, and history. Drawing on their practices, researchers and artists from Almaty, Bishkek, Tashkent, and Kassel will discuss the interrelation of these issues and the post-colonial state of the region.

The conference is the first public event of a platform for arts and research dedicated to the understanding of the experiences of war, migration, and resistance in the context of the post-colonial state of Central Eurasia. The objectives of the platform are not limited to the production and critical revision of existing knowledge on the region. The project aims to expand the tactical arsenal of opposition to the imperial strategies, to search for a way to become and remain inappropriate, out-of-place, to them.

The organizers of the event are cultural workers of Russian origin, most of whom fled to Uzbekistan after the start of Russia's full-scale invasion in Ukraine. The analysis of the history of colonial violence in Central Eurasia and its consequences should, therefore, provide the basis for the critique of the Russian imperial project that is not limited by the chronology, nor the geography of the region.

The conference will be held in person in the library of the Goethe-Institute, Tashkent (Amir Temur, 42). The event is open to everyone wishing to attend. Entrance is free by registration. Working languages: Russian and English (without translation).


• 15:30 Opening

• 15:45 “Silk Road and imperial geographical imagination of China”. Mi You — curator, researcher (documenta Institute, Kassel)

• 16:30 “On forgetting and remembrance: memory practices in Kazakhstan”. Alexandra Tsay — curator, researcher (Almaty)

• 17:15 “Empire and Ecology: Analysis of Neo-colonial Processes in Kyrgyzstan”. Bermet Borubaeva — curator, artist, activist (BishCA, Bishkek); Marat uulu Akim – “KyrgSoc” organization member

• 18:00 Coffee break

• 18:30 Talgat Batalov's (Tashkent) performances screening and discussion


Denis Volkov — cultural manager (Kazan — Tbilisi)

Anna Pronina — researcher (Central European University, Vienna — Tashkent)

Nikolay Smirnov — artist, geographer, curator (Tashkent)

Maxim Spivakov — artist, researcher (Tashkent)

Supported by Goethe-Institut Tashkent



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