06/07/2023 | Kunst und Ökonomien

Founding days of the SDG+ Lab

Thematic year on transformations in culture & coexistence coming in 2026/27.

From 2023 to 2027, the University of Kassel will develop an SDG Lab for the transfer between science, business and society, which will be dedicated to the major sustainability issues of our time and will also develop concrete solutions for the region of North Hesse.
The Lab is made possible by the funding program "Innovative Hochschule" and is located at UniKasselTransfer, the central institution for knowledge transfer.

In this context, theme years will be designed in cooperation with several working groups, including Art and Economies in theme year 4 (2026/27) on the topic of transformations in culture & coexistence.

Further information on the founding days and the SDGplus lab.