
Talk series: Zu viel, zu wenig? Moralische Herausforderungen der Kunst heute

Thursdays, 18-20h at the TRACES research station, conceived by Prof. Dr. Mi You and Prof. Dr. Philipp Oswalt

The conflict on documenta fifteen has raised fundamental questions about institutional responsibility, discourse ethics and artistic freedom. In all this, can art and art discourse do more than reproduce the moral and ideological geographies of current events?

The traces research center at the University of Kassel and the documenta Institute invite you to a series of talks with philosophers, critics, sociologists, artists and curators. The changing conditions and challenges facing institutions, producers and the public art discourse today will be discussed.

Issues addressed include tolerance of ambiguity, attention economy, awareness, cancel culture, code of conduct, debate culture, geopolitics, instrumentalization, cultural struggle, artistic freedom, crisis of liberalism, media bashing, metapolitics, parrhesia, platforming, populism, woke-ness, social media campaigns, Strike Germany, censorship.

The public event series begins on May 7 and takes place weekly on Tuesdays at 18:00 in the traces Forschungsstation on Lutherplatz. Participation is free of charge.



Di. 7. Mai
Art in a Multipolar World (English)
Mi You

Di. 21. Mai
New Right Art (English)
Andreas Niegl und Nikolay Smirnov

Di. 28. Mai
Probleme der Streitkultur
Maria-Sibylla Lotter

Di. 4. Juni
Censorship and Vanguard (English)
Wang Tuo

Di. 11. Juni
Whose Institution? An International Perspective (English)
Lilet Breddels

Di 18. Juni
Small World (English)
Brian Kuan Wood

Di 25 Juni
Documenta am Nullpunkt
Harry Lehmann

Di 2. Juli
Awareness: Fallstricke beim Kampf gegen Diskriminierung
Sighard Neckel, Sabine Hark (tbc)

Di. 9. Juli
Jede Zeit ist eine gute Zeit, um eine Zeitschrift zu gründen
Tobias Haberkorn (Berlin Review)


The talk series was conceived by Mi You und Philipp Oswalt.
Students of the Art School, the University or interested guests are invited to join the accompanying seminar on Tuesday, 16.00–18.00 ct.

Further information