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New publication on human-agent interaction published in the journal Internet Research
The paper "Uncovering the mechanisms of common ground in human-agent interaction: review and future directions for conversational agent research" by Antonia Tolzin and Andreas Janson has been published in the renowned journal Internet Research has been published.
The study examines how the establishment of a "common ground" can improve the interaction between humans and conversational agents (CAs). Due to frequently occurring problems in communication with CAs, the researchers analyzed 38 relevant studies as part of a systematic literature review. They identified five central mechanisms that promote successful human-agent interaction: Embodiment, social characteristics, joint actions, knowledge base and mental models about the agent. These mechanisms are interrelated and contribute to making communication with CAs more natural and effective. The study also provides theoretical implications for the organization of these mechanisms and develops a research agenda for future work in the field of Human-Agent Interaction (HAI).
The Internet Research Journal takes an interdisciplinary approach to the social, ethical, economic, managerial and political implications of the Internet. Key topics covered in recent issues include the metaverse, interpretable AI, digital health, online and mobile gaming, the sharing economy and the dark side of social media. The journal is rated B in the VHB ranking.
The full article is available at the following link:
Tolzin, A.; & Janson, A. (2025): Uncovering the mechanisms of common ground in human-agent interaction: review and future directions for conversational agent research.