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Vocational training within reach - build your future with IBB
Vocational training within reach - build your future with IBB
The Institute for Vocational Education and Training (IBB) successfully participated in the university's campus festival…New article by Prof. Dr. Mann on the acceptance of e-government published
Prof. Dr. Andreas Mann has published an article on "Citizen acceptance of eGovernment" in the anthology "Digitalized…Democracy Week: Exciting exchange in various vocational and business education courses
Job advertisement for student assistant: Study program coordination (m/f/d)
You can download the job advertisement here.Neu erschienene Publikation in der Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie: When Gorillas Strike: Constitutional Protection of Non-Market-Institutions in Labor Law
New publication: "Expertise development at work: A workplace curriculum perspective in the domains of sales representatives and leadership coaches in a German context" (Köhler & Goller, 2024)
New publication: "Die Entwicklung des pfleberuflichen Aspirationsfeldes. Significance for professional loyalty and nursing pedagogical implications" (Arianta & Dieterich, 2024)
How do nursing trainees in their first year of training develop their professional nursing aspirations and what nursing…