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Places still available in the Master Seminar "Data-driven Service Innovation and Design

Places still available in the master seminar "Data-driven Service Innovation and Design

There are still free places available in the master seminar "Data-driven Service Innovation and Design". The seminar can be taken in the summer semester 2020 as a course in the mandatory module "Service-Engineering & - Management (DiB P3)" of the Master Business Studies.

Registrations are still accepted until 16.04.2020. For this purpose, please send a letter of motivation of half a page (12pt font) including your name, first name and matriculation number to Dr. Andreas Janson(andreas.janson@uni-kassel.de).

After the application deadline you will receive more detailed information about the course and all other organizational matters.

If you have any further questions, please contact Dr. Andreas Janson(andreas.janson@uni-kassel.de).