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Elections to the student parliament and auxiliary staff council

Between June 18 and July 3, a new student parliament (StuPa), new student councils and the newly created student assistant council will be elected.

For a democratically constituted university, it is important that students play an active role in shaping the University of Kassel in the committees. They should be sure that their representatives are supported by a high voter turnout and do exactly that: represent the interests of as many students as possible. For this reason, the Presidential Board of the University of Kassel is keen to motivate students at the University of Kassel to take part in the digital election.

All information on the election can be found at www.uni-kassel.de/go/stupa-wahlen.

Student representatives campaign, for example, for better study conditions, more co-determination, more sustainability and more diversity at the university. They organize events and offers and provide support during your studies. Or they negotiate with the transport companies about low-cost mobility offers.

But the student representatives can only work as well as the 23,000 students support them. The more students vote, the stronger their legitimacy in the university committees.