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Presentation of our research at the 32nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2024 in Paphos, Cyprus.

The WISE team presented and discussed several research papers at ECIS 2024. The ECIS 2024 conference took place from June 13-19 in Paphos, Cyprus under the motto People First: Constructing Digital Futures Together and provided an excellent platform for the exchange of ideas and research results in the field of information systems. 

ECIS is one of the most prestigious conferences in the field of business informatics and information systems ("A" in the VHB rating 2024, www.vhbonline.org/service/vhb-rating-2024).


The following three papers were presented:

Track: Digitized Learning and Teaching
Title: Navigating the Writing Mind: Intelligent Feedback to Support Students' Cognitive Writing Process
Author: Florian Weber

He discussed the impact of intelligent feedback on students' writing skills. His research showed how feedback at different stages of the writing process - planning, writing and revising - has positive effects. A field experiment with 101 students provided exciting insights into the most effective phases for feedback


Track: Design Research and Design Methods in Information Systems
Paper Title: Towards Effective AI-Driven Reading Assistants: A Design Science Exploration
Authors: Martin Hänel, Thiemo Wambsganß, Matthias Söllner

This session focused on the design of GenAI systems that make academic texts more accessible to novice scientists.


Paper: Investigating the Influence of Kolb's Learning Cycle Embedded in Conversational Agents on Learning Outcomes

Authors: Alexander Becker, University of Kassel, Thiemo Wambsganß, Bern University of Applied Sciences

Track: People First: Constructing Digital Futures Together

In the presentation, Alexander Becker explained that in today's information-driven society, people need to learn continuously and that the experiential learning approach based on practical application is becoming increasingly important. A study of 150 participants showed that learners who were guided by a conversational agent (CA) with Kolb's learning cycle performed better on practical knowledge checks than those who used a CA without the learning cycle, highlighting the effectiveness of combining experiential learning and conversational agents for improved educational outcomes.


The chair team was able to gather some impressions of Cypriot culture.