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FAQ - Theses

Can I write a thesis at the chair?
In order to be able to write a thesis at our chair, formal requirements have to be fulfilled. Information can be found at final theses. Please understand that the fulfillment of the formal criteria is mandatory.

Is there free supervision capacity?
The allocation of supervision capacities is decided at a fixed date in the semester. Information about the allocation of supervision capacities can be found at final theses.

Will I be assigned a topic for my thesis?
The choice of topic should fall within one of the topic areas listed at theses . A specific research question will not be provided by us and must be contributed by yourself within the submission of a PMG form .

Where do I start looking for a topic?
A good starting point is the course textbooks and searching databases for scientific articles. We require the use of scientific literature for theses. For bachelor theses international sources as well as scientific articles are desirable, for master theses a must.

Can I also write a thesis in a company?
We do not supervise purely practical theses. This means that we require a theoretical anchoring of your research question. This should also be the focus of your project. However, you are welcome to embed   your scientific question in a practical company context. In this context, we are very open to empirical theses.

How do I research scientific articles?
You can find scientific articles via the databases of the university library. Alternatively, you can use Google Scholar for a search. However, some articles are free only through the university and are payable through external searches such as Google. Meanwhile, newspaper or magazine articles, websites, and the like are not scholarly sources and can be ignored. Candidates for bachelor's theses must provide evidence of participation in the database training course offered by the University Library as a formal requirement. Candidates for Master's theses are also recommended to attend the training to refresh knowledge on literature research and management.

What is the process for submitting if I have a topic?
To submit your topic proposal, please use the PMG form. If you have any questions about the PMG, please consult the fact sheet . Send the PMG form to our secretary's office by the fixed allocation date for supervision capacities .

What do I have to consider formally when writing?
Detailed information on the scope, citation, appearance, structure and design of a thesis can be found in the document "Wissenswertes zur Anfertigung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten am Fachgebiet Personalwirtschafts- und Organisationslehre".

What are the hints for sufficient examination behavior?
Basic rules of good scientific practice for writing scientific qualification theses can be found in the University of Kassel newsletter of 13.06.2014.

What are the consequences of plagiarism and cheating attempts?
For information on the problem of plagiarism please refer to the handout of the Department of Studies & Teaching. 

What is a colloquium? What do you have to do there?
The colloquium at the end of a Bachelor's or Master's thesis is the defense of the thesis. In the colloquium, you present the results of your work (approx. 15 minutes) and discuss the content, implications and relevance of the research question (also approx. 15 minutes) with your examiner. Part of your presentation should also be a discussion of the expert opinion on your work. The colloquium grade will be included in the final grade according to the regulations of your examination regulations. Colloquia will take place in Prof. Eberl's office unless otherwise discussed. If possible, students should bring their own laptop - a beamer is available in the office.