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Scaling digital citizen participation - free of charge and in just three steps to a platform for your own city or community

Digital citizen participation can complement existing (often analog) forms of citizen participation - especially in times of Covid-19.

For many cities and municipalities, however, setting up appropriate platforms is a major challenge. The project "(M)ein Projekt für alle, alle für (m)ein Projekt!" (One project for all, all for (m)one project!") of the Department of Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister) at the University of Kassel, which was funded by the Hessian State Chancellery, has addressed this issue.

The focus of Matthias Billert, Dr. Christoph Peters and Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister in the project was to make access to good digital citizen participation as easy as possible. As a result, a platform is available to all interested cities and communities for free use, with step-by-step instructions, DIY-style explanatory videos, and simple configuration. It was possible to build on the "Awaken the Hercules in You" platform previously developed for Kassel in the BMBF-funded project Civitas Digitalis

Link to the platform incl. download, official press releases of the Hessian State Chancellery and the University of Kassel as well as media coverage are attached below.




Press release of the Hessian State Chancellery

Press release of the University of Kassel

Video message of Minister of State Axel Wintermeyer