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WISE @ ECIS 2023 and DESRIST 2023

Successful participation in international conferences: ECIS 2023 and DESRIST 2023

Participation in two major international conferences - the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2023) in Kristiansand, Norway, and the 18th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST 2023) in Pretoria, South Africa - was successfully completed.

The following papers were presented and published in the context of ECIS 2023:

  • Weingart, P., Wambsganss, T., & Soellner, M. (2023). A taxonomy for deriving business insights from user-generated content. ECIS 2023 Research Papers. Link to article.

The following paper was presented and published at DESRIST 2023:

  • Zahn, E.-M., Dickhaut, E., Vonhof, M., & Söllner, M. (2023). Computational Thinking for Design Science Researchers - A Modular Training Approach (p. 374). Link to article

In addition, PhD student Florian Weber presented his paper entitled "Improving Students' Structural and Persuasive Writing in Law Courses Through Intelligent Writing Support," in which he presented his dissertation project and engaged in constructive discussions with mentors and other PhD students.

These conferences provided an excellent platform for scholarly exchange, presentation of research findings, and networking with international colleagues. The knowledge gained and experience gained from participating in these events contribute to the continuous improvement of research work and the promotion of academic excellence.

In addition to the scientific activities, the participants also took the opportunity to enjoy the breathtaking landscapes of Norway and South Africa and to explore the cultural diversity of these countries.