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07/17/2023 | FB 07 | Institute of Economics

Pre-course mathematics

Welcome to the preliminary course in mathematics (FB 07 - Wiwi) in fall 2023!

Herz­lich Will­kom­men zum "Vor­kurs Ma­the­ma­tik (FB 07 - Wiwi)" des Fachbereichs Wirt­schafts­wis­sen­schaf­ten (FB 07) im Herbst 2023. On this page you will gradually find all the essential information about this preliminary course. Therefore, please be patient if necessary.

The preliminary course in mathematics (FB 07 - Wiwi) will take place from 25.09. (Mon) to 13.10.23 (Fri).

Please note: The Department of Business and Economics (FB 07) offers the "Pre-course Mathematics (FB 07 - Wiwi)", a mathematics pre-course, which is aimed at most first-year students of business and economics programs. The "Pre-course Mathematics (FB 07 - Wiwi)" is independent of the pre-course mathematics offered by the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FB 10).

Important links:

Moodle page of the Preliminary Course Mathematics (FB 07 - Wiwi).

Schedule Pre-course Mathematics (FB 07 - Wiwi)


Further information can be found here.